Vijayanta, a team of department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University), Amritapuri, has won the Best-in-Class Dexterity Award under the Standard Disaster Robotics Challenge of Disaster Robotics Category held as part of World Robot Summit (WRS 2021), Tokyo, Japan for their innovative search and rescue robot. The award-winning robot, Paripreksya, was developed with the help of the team from Humanitarian Technology (HuT), an engineering research lab of the university under guidance of Dr. Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Director, HuT Labs.
Home Amrita University’s Team Vijayanta Win Award at World Robot Summit 2021 for Their Search and Rescue Robot Amrita University’s Team Vijayanta Win Award at World Robot Summit 2021 for Their Search and Rescue Robot