Analysis of JEE (Main) paper Apr 6, 2023 (Morning Shift)
NTA followed same trend of difficulty level for Phase 2 of JEE Main Exam, it was a paper of Easy to Moderate level. Physics was the easiest of the lot whereas Mathematics because of lengthy calculations was considered to be moderate by many students. A detailed subject wise analysis is given below.
The paper was by and large based on NCERT books. Numerical were on lower side even in Physical Chemistry and many questions were theoretical in nature. Overall, the questions from Physical, Organic and Inorganic branches were more or less evenly distributed. Questions from prominent chapters like p-block, Coordination, Biomolecules, Alcohol, Phenol and Ether, Chemical bonding and Aldehyde, Ketone and Carboxylic Acids were asked. Overall coverage of the chapters was uniform. Qualitative Analysis, d-block and p-block had weightage in the paper. A thorough study of the NCERT books and mock tests based on NCERT is the guarantee of success in these type of tests. According to students, XII chemistry had more weightage on paper.
According to a sizeable number of students, Physics part was of easy level. Questions from Mechanics, Current electricity, Semiconductors and Modern Physics were duly represented in the paper. Two questions from Modern Physics and two questions current electricity were there in the paper. Other chapters were also included in due proportions. There were a good number of numerical which were largely formula based. According to students XI and XII Physics had almost equal weightage in paper. PYQ were also there in paper. Solving a good number of mock tests would prove to be an effective strategy.

Mathematics paper was moderate but slightly time taking due to lengthy calculations involved. A few good questions were interspersed sporadically. Questions were asked from Calculus, Coordinate Geometry, Probability, Vectors & 3D and from Algebra were there. Vector and 3D were dominant in the paper. Almost all the topics were covered. Again, practice through mock tests holds the key.
Overall, it was a balanced paper which can be solved in the stipulated time. Average students found Mathematics difficult. The difficulty level wise order according to a large section of students is
Mathematics > Chemistry > Physics
Analysis of JEE (Main) paper of Apr 6, 2023 (Evening Shift)
NTA followed the same trend of difficulty level for Shift 2 of JEE Main Exam as Shift 1 on 6th April 2023.
It was a paper of Moderate level. Chemistry was the easiest of the lot whereas Mathematics because of lengthy calculations were considered to be moderate by many students.
A detailed subject-wise analysis is given below.
The paper was by and large based on NCERT books. Good questions were asked from organic chemistry, especially the Grignard reagent. Overall, the questions from the Physical, Organic and Inorganic branches were more or less evenly distributed. Questions from prominent chapters like Solutions, solid state, Electrochemistry, Alcohol, Phenol and Ether and Aldehyde, Ketone and Carboxylic Acids were asked. Overall coverage of the chapters was uniform. Block chemistry had weightage in the paper. A thorough study of the NCERT books and mock tests based on NCERT is the guarantee of success in these types of tests. According to students, XII chemistry had more weightage on paper.
According to a sizeable number of students, the Physics part was of easy level. Questions from Mechanics, Work Power and Energy, Gravitation and Modern Physics were duly represented in the paper. Two-three questions from Work, Power and Energy and one question in Unit and Dimensions were there in the paper. Other chapters were also included in due proportions. There were a good number of numericals which were largely formula based. According to students XII Physics had more weightage in the paper. Solving a good number of mock tests would prove to be an effective strategy.
The mathematics paper was moderate but slightly time taking due to the lengthy calculations involved. A few good questions were interspersed sporadically. Questions were asked from Sequence and Series, Differential Equations, Trigonometry and Algebra were there. One question from Statistics and one from probability are there in the paper. Almost all the topics were covered. Again, practice through mock tests holds the key.
Overall, it was a balanced paper which can be solved in the stipulated time. Average students found Mathematics difficult. The difficulty level-wise order according to a large section of students is
Mathematics > Physics > Chemistry
Analysis of JEE Main Session 2, Apr 8, 2023 (Morning Shift)
NTA has lowered the difficulty level for the 8th Apr Phase 1 paper of JEE Main Exam, it was a paper of Easy to Moderate level. Chemistry was the easiest of the lot whereas Physics and Maths are of moderate level as considered by many students. A detailed subject-wise analysis is given below.
The paper was by and large based on NCERT books. Numerical was on the lower side even in Physical Chemistry and many questions were theoretical. Overall, the questions from Organic and Inorganic were more as compared with Physical chemistry. Questions from prominent chapters like p-block, Electrochemistry, Alcohol, Phenol and Ether, and Aldehyde, Ketone and Carboxylic Acids were asked. Overall coverage of the chapters was uniform. Block chemistry had a higher weightage in the paper. A thorough study of the NCERT books and mock tests based on NCERT is the guarantee of success in these types of tests. According to students, XI and XII’s chemistry had almost equal weightage in the paper.
According to a sizeable number of students, the Physics part was of moderate level. Questions from Mechanics, Current electricity, Electrostatics and Modern Physics were duly represented in the paper. Ray optics and thermodynamics were there in the paper. Other chapters were also included in due proportions. There were a less number of numerical and the questions were largely theoretical and formula based. According to students XII Physics had more weightage on paper.
The mathematics paper was moderate and did not have many calculations involved. A few good questions were interspersed sporadically. Questions were asked from Calculus, Coordinate Geometry, Probability, Vectors & 3D and Algebra were there. The Conics part was dominant in the paper. Almost all the topics were covered. Again, practice through mock tests holds the key.
Overall, it was a balanced paper which can be solved in the stipulated time. Average students found Mathematics and Physics moderate. The difficulty level-wise order according to a large section of students is
Mathematics > Physics > Chemistry
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