Building Better Interfaces’2018 at IIIT-D Exhibits Students’ Ingenious Apps


New Delhi, 19 April, 2018: Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIIT-D) organized a project exhibition, Building Better Interfaces 2018, at its campus on 19th April where the mobile applications developed by CSE students were brought into the public eye. This Thursday morning, students were all set for showcasing their term projects in Academic Building at IIITD. Around 20 stalls, owned by various groups of students were branded through vivid posters, logos, banners, and other POP material with complementary punch lines of different mobile applications.

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Under the course Designing Human Centered Systems, undergraduates, and graduate students were required to design a website or mobile app that will help solve some problems in and around us in everyday lives. Building Better Interfaces was also hosted last year on 13th April 2017 where total nine term-projects were showcased by respective students. BBI has been going on for last 6 years. However, it had been a much exciting event this year as total 20 apps and web portals, designed by IIITD’s creative minds, were put into an exhibition. The innovative ideas were brought into life by the students through implementing technical theories or programming based on human-computer interaction. Each app designed is modeled to address various basic issues such as bus transport in Delhi, food wastage, grievances management, and student-faculty interactions, etc.

IIIT. Interfaces

Zero, for instance, is an app which aims to feed the hunger of needy people living in slums or roadside through donated food. The concept of donated food is new to itself as donating money, clothes, furniture is prevalent but not food. With this app, people who have filled their appetite but still left food on the plates, instead of dumping it, can donate it to the needy ones. Another app, MayMayMe, can be used to connect with the people with whom you share the similar interests in memes. It works much like match-making applications. The only difference is you will be suggested the people who have interacted with memes in which you earlier have shown interest. Also, an IIITD alumni portal, Alumnect, is designed for connecting IIITD alumnus with each other; they can search, find, connect, and talk anytime anywhere.

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Apart from the IIITdians, many outside visitors including faculty and students attended the open-to-all event Building Better Interfaces’18 and gave each app a try.

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