Digital empowerment of MSMEs is vital for their growth and development


New Delhi, June: The MSME sector is regarded as the foundation of the Indian economy . It contributes to around 27% of its GDP. It largely aids in the development of residents of rural and underdeveloped areas. According to government data as of April 30, 2022, employing roughly 11.10 people. Our country’s best interest is to strengthen MSMEs, which can be done with digitization.

The digitalization of MSMEs enables them to expand their customer bases, develop new revenue sources, and enhance operational effectiveness and worker productivity. MSMEs should use digital technology to launch new goods, services, intelligent processes, and digital channels to reach untapped customers and market segments, ultimately having a beneficial economic impact.

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Mr. Vishal Shah, Co-Founder and CEO of Synersoft Technologies, said, “This MSMEs Day, we should not only celebrate the contribution of MSMEs. But we should also work for the future growth and development of MSMEs which can be done through digital empowerment. MSMEs must embrace digital technological innovation and start their digital journey since the globe is undergoing a wave of digital transformation.’’

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About Synersoft

Synersoft is the maker of path-breaking and disruptive technology for SMEs. It is one of the very few Indian companies, with Indian products which are solely focused on Small and medium enterprises (SMEs), who are the largest employment generators for the Indian economy and largest contributors to Indian GDP. Technologies developed by Synersoft are aimed at minimizing IT infrastructure costs for SMEs, and enhancing their competitiveness with state-of-the-art IT standardization. These solutions focus on data preservation, data security, fraud mitigation, and software license cost minimization. 

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