Education Project Council, Jharkhand Bharti Foundation jointly launched TLM Book


November 13, 2021, Ranchi – The virtual launch of the first TLM book from the state was led by Mr. Avinav Kumar, State Programme Officer, Education Project Council, Ranchi, Jharkhand, and Ms. Mamta Saikia, Chief Executive Officer, Bharti Foundation.  Teaching-Learning Book is the compilation of 38 Teaching-Learning Materials (TLM) designed by the teachers of government schools in Jharkhand. Each TLMs is selected from the best submissions received from SABRA (Satya Bharti Educational Rockstar Achievers) award organized by Bharti Foundation.  These innovations will make learning easy for many students in India. These items are an outcome of the learnings that teachers have from their day-to-day classroom experiences.

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Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Avinav Kumar, State Programme Officer, Education Project Council, Ranchi, Jharkhand, said, “I am grateful to Bharti Foundation for organizing this event. Our goal for the next five years should be to develop and enhance foundational numeracy and literacy skills. Teaching Learning Materials (TLMs) play an important role in making the learning process interesting and easily memorable. I request Bharti Foundation to support us in making prototypes for these TLMs for all our schools, teachers, and students. I would like to thank Bharti Foundation for providing their support to ensure continuity in quality education during COVID-19 as well.”

During the launch, Ms. Mamta Saikia, Chief Executive Officer, Bharti Foundation thanked the teachers and educators by saying, “I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude not only to the teachers who have contributed to this book but also to the entire learning community who have gone an extra mile during the unprecedented time brought by COVID-19 pandemic. I also take this opportunity to thank the Jharkhand Education Council, Government of Jharkhand for giving their consent and support in making this event possible.”

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About Bharti Foundation

Bharti Foundation was set up in the year 2000 as the philanthropic arm of Bharti Enterprises. It implements and supports programs in primary, secondary, and higher education as well as sanitation. Since 2006, the flagship Satya Bharti School Program has been providing free quality education to thousands of underprivileged children in 183 schools in rural areas across six states, with a focus on the girl child. The impact of quality education has been
scaled-up by transferring the learning and good practices of this program to 2,45,556 students studying in 662 partner government schools across 11 states and union territories, through the Satya Bharti Quality Support Program, since 2013. Satya Bharti Abhiyan, the sanitation initiative started in 2014, has benefitted 2,17,129 beneficiaries by improving sanitation conditions in the districts of Punjab, providing access to toilets, and by fostering behavioral change in communities. Together, these programs have cumulatively impacted over 2.2 million community members.

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