The SSC CGLE 2016 Exam Scam, Find The Real Facts | Online Test Series For SSC

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New Delhi, 18th October, 2016: Do you know the actual fact behind the SSC CGLE 2016 re-examination? Do you know why the SSC is conducting the CGLE exam again?

This re-examination for only one exam shift conducted on 27th August, 2016 seems to suggest a massive cover up to divert the attention of all test takers and youth of our country from the core issue that massive rigging and manipulation took place during the conduct of entire CGLE 2016 examination and not only one test session of 27th August as the SSC action suggests. SSC should also clearly disclose the true reason to the public and the candidates who have appeared in CGL 2016 examination about why this re-examination was needed.

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The information received from the sources said, the CGLE paper of 2016 got leaked on 27th Aug in the 4:15 PM shift examination. The candidate named Aashish Kumar was caught red-handed by the Central Armed Police Force Constable during routine frisking at 3.15 pm, full one hour before the evening shift of the exam that was to be held on 27th August 2016 at 4:15pm. Aashish Kumar was caught with the answers to the questions that were to appear in thequestion paper at 4.15pm only, but no action was taken to cancel this examination right there and then.

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This clearly suggests that something was either grossly wrong or willfully being ignored by the SSC officials who were in charge of conduct of this exam and their connivance in this whole episode cannot be entirely ruled out.This could be a big racket where who knows how many such Aashish Kumarsmay have been allowed to pass through this exam with leaked answers by such greedy officials. The roll number disclosed by the sources of the person was 3201024237 and the test center where he was caught red-handed is T S Gurukul, Bhagalpur, Bihar. This test center was also running a coaching center for SSC exams and may have also been involved in such a racket.


One of the representatives of SSC CGLE 2016 Leakspage on Facebook has sent the petition to the Prime Minister’s Office and has published this news on the social media page:

While our honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is fighting hard against corruption and terrorism, such acts of corruption are creating terror in the lives of thousands of deserving students who work and prepare really hard to crack the SSC and other suchGovernment Exams. If such scams continue in this manner, we will still have the non-deserving candidates sitting on these honorable positions and spoil the very quality of governance delivered through these chairs.

We need a corruption free India, hence we wish that the future of all the candidates should be secured”, says Mr. Girish Baluni, who is a spokesperson of SSC CGLE 2016 Leaks page on facebook, who went ahead and raised this question to PMO’s Office to order Staff Selection Commission to cancel all these tests done in 43 different batches from 27th August to 11th September and re conduct these examinations in a fair manner.

For a corruption free India and to curb these illegal means, we need to take strict action against all those who are involved in this paper leak scam. The positions which are said to be the Gatekeeper of Government are being misused to benefit the people who do not deserve a chance to be there and guide these important departments.

Mr. Girish Baluni continues, “Why re-Examinationfor only 27th Aug 2nd shift batch? The appeal to the Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the SSC Chairman is to re-schedule the entire examination for all the 43 batches who have appeared from 27th Aug to 11th Sep across the country.”

One candidate was caught simply means that there were several othersuch candidates who were not caught, putting a big question mark on the credibility of this entire selection exam process. Citing the administrative reasons, SSC cannot answer why this exam was cancelled and is therefore trying to cover up its mis-deeds.”, Mr. Girish Baluni added

One can check the daily updates about SSC and the real facts about the exam on the facebook page – SSC CGLE 2016 Leaks and twitter handle – @CGLE2016Leaks. This team is working to put the real facts about the exam in front of the public as the SSC board is declining the truth of leaked exam.


Link to Notice of re-examination

Appeal for inquiry:

The SSC administration and authorities seem to be hiding the truth of CGL Examination 2016 paper leak, giving the excuse of administrative reasons as the answer. We strongly appeal to PMO India and PM Shri Narendra Modi to order a thorough inquiry into the matter as the actual reason for the re-exam is the exam paper leak. The entire country needs to know the correct information regarding this and every candidate should be given a fair chance to take this re-exam. It will be unfair for the other candidates of other shifts if they are not given the chance to take the re-exam.

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