Rail Infra and Mobility Business Digital Awards 2020 to honour best individuals and practices in the railway and mobility industry

Mobility Business Digital Awards

-A joint initiative of Urban Transport News and Indian Association of Urban Rail and Mobility Industry New Delhi, 15th June 2020: To recognize leaders for their extraordinary contribution towards infrastructure development through their innovative ideas, products and services, Urban Transport News in association with the Indian Association of Urban Rail and Mobility Industry has announced the Rail Infra and Mobility Business Digital Awards 2020. The event will also provide an opportunity for stakeholders to converge on a single platform and showcase their innovation before a wide audience.

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“The railway and mobility industry forms a backbone of infrastructural and economic development of a nation. Rail Infra and Mobility Business Digital Awards 2020 have been conceptualized with an aim to accord recognition to individuals as well as corporate for their exemplary contribution to the railway industry. The winners will be selected by an esteemed jury comprising a team of industry experts,” said Vinod Shah, Head-Communications at Urban Transport News.

Metro rail projects. Infra leaders across India are expected to participate in this award.

Important Announcement – EasyShiksha has now started Online Internship Program “Ab India Sikhega Ghar Se” during this lockdown.

The winners will be awarded a trophy along with a “Certificate of Appreciation” signed by the Editorial Advisory Board or Managing Editor of Urban Transport News publications. All non-winner participants will also receive a digitally signed “Certificate of Participation”. The profile of winners will be featured in the Urban Transport Infrastructure Magazine as well as on their website.

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Entries for nomination are open in both (individual and corporate) categories till 25th June 2020. The individual and corporates that are engaged in Railways, Infrastructure, Urban Mobility and Consultancy business sectors may apply for the Rail Infra and Mobility Business Digital Awards 2020.

A total of 32 awards will be given under the Rail Infra and Mobility Business Digital Awards 2020. The winners in both categories will be announced on 5th July 2020.

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PR Professionals, a leading PR firm having core expertise of infra and rail communication is the PR partner of Rail Infra and Mobility Business Digital Awards 2020. DigiProfessioanls is the Digital Technology Partner and Asis Elektronik is one of the sponsors of the awards.

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