37% of People Undergoing Preventive Health Check-ups Found Positive for Hypertension: NURA


BENGALURU / May 17, 2022: Nearly 37% of 3,000 people from Bengaluru who underwent regular health screening at imaging and healthcare expert NURA were found suffering from hypertension. The incidence was equal in both men and women but showed an increase with age.

Said Dr. Tausif Ahmed Thangalvadi, Medical Director, NURA, a collaboration between Fujifilm Healthcare and Dr Kutty’s Healthcare offering AI-enabled imaging and expert healthcare at Bengaluru: “High blood pressure can quietly damage the body for years before symptoms develop. Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to disability, a poor quality of life, or a deadly heart attack or stroke, along with a negative effect on other vital organs like brain, eyes and kidneys.

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He added: “It is important to regularly monitor your blood pressure, especially if it has ever been high or above the ‘normal’ range, or if you have a family history of hypertension. The USPSTF recommends that all adults 18 years or older be screened for hypertension. If your blood pressure is in healthy range of 90/60mmHg to 120/80mmHg, you should have a check at least once every five years. If it is slightly raised, between 120/80mmHg and 139/89mmHg, then it is best to get your blood pressure checked every year. You should avoid risk factors like unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, obesity, higher alcohol consumption and tobacco use.”

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The overall prevalence for hypertension in India is 29.8%, as per a joint survey done in 2014 by researchers from PHFI, Public Health England and Center for Chronic Disease, India. About 33% urban and 25% rural Indians are hypertensive. Of these, 25% rural and 42% urban Indians are aware of their hypertensive status. Yet only 25% rural and 38% of urban Indians are being treated for hypertension, and only one-tenth of rural and one-fifth of urban Indian hypertensive population has their BP under control.

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Said Dr. Tausif Ahmed Thangalvadi: “Hypertension is often called a ‘silent disease’ because you usually don’t know that you have it. There may be no symptoms or signs. Nonetheless, it damages the body and eventually may cause problems like heart disease. As per the WHO, nearly 63% of total deaths in India are due to non-communicable diseases, of which 27% are attributed to cardiovascular disease (CVD) which affects 45% people in the 40-69 age group. Raised blood pressure is among the most important risk factors for CVDs.”

At NURA, hypertension screening is done through an automated check-up equipment. Recordings are taken with minimal manual intervention and readings are recorded directly into the system. Due to the automated system, chances of errors are minimized, leading to quite accurate readings.

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