4000 Students Parents and Teachers Across Podar World Schools participated to Contribute Through Daan-Utsav


Jaipur, 09th October 2021. Amidst the grim COVID crisis and anxiety ticking with the back to school syndrome, Podar World Schools celebrated the Joy of Giving Week between  2nd October and9th October 2021. The week witnessed students from across India conducting noble acts of contributing and voluntarily donating possessions such as their clothes, toys, shoes, books andeven read out stories to senior citizens in the elderly homes and children in orphanages. 

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Mr. Raghav Podar, Chairman Podar Education said, “The DaanUtsav is celebrated every year. Earlier known as the Joy of Giving Week, the DaanUtsav is being conducted with a cause of offering a helping hand to fellow citizens during the trying times of the pandemic. As we raise awareness on the Joy of Giving Week, we have made it a point for our students to go out of their way to serve the purpose of compassion and humanity.  COVID has upendedthe education framework from classroom learning to online learning but traditional learning still forms a core for children in rural areas. We urge our students and their parents to come forward and donate books, pens, pencils, and learning materials to the weaker sections of society. The DaanUtsav gives us a chance to come together for a noble cause where humanity connects all.” As we raise awareness on the Joy of Giving Week, we have made it a point for our students to go out of their way to serve the purpose of compassion

Around 4000students, parents and teachers across Podar World Schools participated to donate and spread the initiative of the DaanUtsav.

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