7 Lifestyle Habits to Lower Your Risk of Stomach Cancer


Dr. C N Patil, HOD and Lead Consultant – Medical Oncology & Haemato-Oncology, Aster Whitefield Hospital, Bengaluru

Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, ranks among the most common cancers suffered by people and is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the world. Some of the risk factors associated with the diseases, such as genetics or age, cannot be changed. But lifestyle choices, which play a significant role in the development of stomach cancer, can be managed and altered. Incorporating healthier habits not only reduces the risk but also improves overall well-being. 

The following listicle discusses 7 such lifestyle changes that will effectively prevent the occurrence of stomach cancer and motivate one to lead a healthy life.

  1. Maintain a Balanced Diet – A diet composed of a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables provides the body with protective elements like antioxidants, vitamins, and fibrous tissues. Foods high in vitamin C such as citrus fruits and green vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower should be included as they assist in healing damaged stomach cells. These super foods help in decreasing inflammation and eliminates harmful substances from the body, that may trigger the growth of cancerous cells.
  2. Reducing Intake of Processed and Smoked Foods – Processed meats and preserved or packed foods such as smoked fish products, have high levels of nitrates and nitrites which can turn into carcinogenic compounds over a period of time. Cutting down on such foods and opting for fresh, home-cooked meals can significantly decrease the risk of stomach cancer. Think of it as swapping convenience for longevity.
  3. Eat Less Salt – Salt, especially when it comes to fast foods that have undergone preservation and processing, can cause continuous irritation on the stomach lining leading to cancer. Use safer ways of spicing up food by using garlic, herbs and pepper at home. Reducing the quantity of salt ingested is a simple step in one’s daily dietary life which significantly improves the chances of a healthy life.
  4. Quit Smoking – Smoking increases the risk of many cancers, including stomach cancer. The toxic components of tobacco harm the stomach’s internal coating and leads to the development of cancer. Quiting smoking will not only improve one’s own health but also preserve the well-being of the people around them as well as their family.  
  5. Reduce Alcohol Consumption – Excessive drinking and consumption of alcohol also increases the possibility of developing carcinogens. If avoiding is not possible, moderation is the key to healthy drinking habits. In addition to that, compliance with the guidelines and embracing non-alcoholic drinks, where applicable, can enhance one’s lifestyle. 
  6. Coping With Stress – Stress, especially chronic stress, interferes with the process of digestion and also weakens the gut’s defence mechanism. Pairing stress management techniques, such as yoga or meditation, with mindful eating—chewing food slowly and avoiding overeating—creates a healthier digestive environment and lowers the risk of stomach-related issues.
  7. Periodical Health Tests And Screening – Routine check-ups enables identification of H. pylori, which is associated with stomach cancer. This makes taking preventive measures against such infections possible and successful. Regularly getting checked will enable a person to stop the growth of an infection or pre-cancerous condition, before complications sets in. One of the most positive changes a person can make is taking preventive measures against illnesses.

Also Read: Breaking the Stigma: Understanding Epilepsy, Its Causes, Effects, and Treatments

Stomach cancer may seem daunting, but prevention lies in the power of everyday choices. By adopting these seven lifestyle changes, one can see a significant reduction in the risk and improvement in quality of life. Changing how one eats and handles pressure can create a healthy tomorrow. As is often said, prevention is better than cure! One of the most positive changes a person can make is taking preventive measures against illnesses.

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