Akshar Yoga aims to create Guinness World Record with Bow Pose or Dhanurasana


Bengaluru, 25th August 2022: Akshar Yoga R&D Centre at Padukone-Dravid Centre for Sports Excellence in Bengaluru aims to attempt a unique World Record. Under the guidance of Akshar Yoga Founder, Himalayan Siddha Akshar, it intends to enter the Guinness Book of World Records for most number of people performing Dhanurasana or Bow Pose and sustaining it for 2 minutes straight for the first time ever. The event is slated to be held on Saturday, i.e. August 27, 2020.

250 practitioners performing this asana for the Guinness Book of World Records have been undergoing rigorous training leading up to the attempt. The training which is being conducted as preparation for the feat includes learning about the proper alignment of the posture. The 250 yoga practitioners are also training the body, understanding the correct technique of breathing and finally working on developing the ability to hold this pose for 2 minutes.

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The purpose of attempting to achieve this record is to spread the message about the power of yoga to the world. A number of under privileged children are also undergoing training by Akshar Yoga Master level teachers especially for this event. This is a demonstration of how you can enrich your life and make it beautiful through the practice of yoga. In order to achieve work life balance we need to stay in optimal health and yoga is the perfect answer to overall well-being and good health.

All the yoga practitioners who have religiously committed to this practice are from various backgrounds. Some of them are professionals working in the corporate sectors while others include homemakers from diverse backgrounds. Students from schools, colleges, and universities from across the country are also preparing to participate in this record attempt. Founder of Akshar Yoga, Himalayan Siddha Akshar has been overseeing these preparations with a keen eye and encouraging all practitioners to eat well, get plenty of rest and gear up for the big day!

This event is also supported by Himalaya Yoga Ashrama, World Yoga Organisation, International Sidddha Foundation, YouYog and others.

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