Awareness about Robotics for Kids

Robotics, tarun bhalla

Kids have always been pretty damn smart and intuitive. Robotics for Kids They see things that us adults, sometimes, have trouble comprehending. They cut straight to the chase. So, it comes as no surprise that they would become interested in something which is no frills, apolitical and completely hands-on…the Maker culture.

Maker culture embraces do-it-yourself tinkering with electronics and physical objects, emphasizing on trying out practical skills. Children are encouraged to learn and start making. It can be anything from coding to learning how to animate videos to sewing or simply making a good ol’ robot. The sky’s the limit!

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The Magic of Robots

Which kid doesn’t like robots? There’s something inherently magical and human about robots which captures anyone’s imagination. At Avishkaar, this has been our driving force. To spread the magic of robots far and wide.

It opens a whole new world to explore where your children can experiment with robotics and understand how things work, helping them learn and develop skills like problem-solving, logic building and creativity.

And you know what the best part is? The kids get so engrossed they start learning new things effortlessly. It’s a fun way for them to learn how to plan and build projects when they’re at their precocious best. Kids can go on and continue to apply these concepts as they’re exposed to more complex ideas.

Community: That’s the Ticket!

Having a curious young person at your hand is a boon. You need means to satisfy their inquisitiveness. You can enroll them in a robotics workshop or a related course to start them off at first. Find out in your community where these workshops/courses are conducted where kids can go to learn, play and create. You can check out from the following places:

There’s Always the Internet!

One thing that you’ve got to understand is that there’s nothing stopping you from searching what you’re looking for on the Internet. If you feel joining a club/workshop is not your cup of tea, there’s a host of resources available online which you can peruse and choose from. You and the kids can simply pick up a robotics project of your liking and have a crack at it. There are numerous tutorials available on the Internet (both paid and free) which specifically cater to kids and families.

  • You’ll find hundreds of maker projects on the site which come with detailed photos and instructions where you can sort out the projects according to difficulty level and other criteria.

  • It is an online community for kids where they can connect with each other to share and learn new skills.

  • We have tried to create a directory of Makers across the world. Folks can come together to innovate and collaborate to make something cool.

Passion: The Last Barrier

It all boils down to one thing at the end. If you’re passionate about it, you’re going to find a way. If making is your calling, you’ll do anything possible to feed the fire burning inside of you. Stay passionate, stay hungry!

Article Authored by Mr. Tarun Bhalla, CEO & Founder, Avishkaar 

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