BBA Programs play a critical role in igniting pathways for aspiring entrepreneurs


Spokesperson: Dr Vaidyanathan Jayaraman, Dean (UG) & Professor – Supply chain operations, Data Sciences & Analytics, SP Jain School of Global Management.

BBA programs play a crucial part in kindling and identifying opportunities for any student whose goal
it to be an entrepreneur. A specialization in Entrepreneurship aims to foster a strong entrepreneurial
mindset among students. Students who choose to major in Entrepreneurship will graduate with the
solid skills and knowledge required to create a business and insert their creative and innovative
ideas into their company.
A comprehensive curriculum, practical experience, networking, mentorship, access to key
resources, skill development and global exposure are all key ingredients for a successful expertise in
entrepreneurship. Major topics that should be covered in any UG program in Entrepreneurship
include commercialization strategy, venture capital, fundraising, deal structuring, negotiation, social
entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial finance. These opportunities can help the students to develop
the required skills, confidence and knowledge required to start and grow their business.
The entrepreneurship major also promotes interdisciplinary learning and integrates various
disciplines including operations, finance, marketing and strategy – comprehending these areas
would help aspiring entrepreneurs develop well rounded business strategies. A robust BBA program
in entrepreneurship should also support students to apply for co-op opportunities with startups and
venture capitalists to provide students with hands-on real-world experience. The idea is to allow
students to apply some of the theoretical knowledge in real-world settings and gain insights into the
challenges of running a business. Budding entrepreneurs often face complex challenges along their
journey. Employability and foundation skills such as critical thinking, ethics and moral reasoning and
emotional intelligence can help the UG entrepreneurship student to use appropriate interpersonal
skills and communication tools effectively for communicating in different business scenarios and
present recommendations and possible solutions in written reports and verbal presentations.
The curriculum can also include entrepreneurial learning projects where the students can work
on real business problems often in collaboration with local businesses. These projects help students
comprehend the practicalities of business operations while it also develops excellent problem-
solving skills. A typical entrepreneurship program should also encourage innovative thinking and
help students pinpoint opportunities, generate new yet implementable ideas and develop them into
viable and successful business ventures.

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One important component that can catapult a student in terms of their career is the opportunity
during their studies to work or even start their own ventures. This provides invaluable experience in
launching and expanding their business. Unlike traditional jobs where you get to work for a
company, the idea of being your own boss can provide the required empowerment and
independence to take control of their own destiny. Two important ingredients that are essential for

a budding entrepreneur is self-confidence and resilience. Developing a “never-give up” attitude
should help any student build the confidence required to take calculated risks, lead ventures and
overcome any challenges. In their four-year journey, an UG entrepreneurship student is always
encouraged to think outside the box and be compassionate yet passionate about their business
ventures that clearly reflects their personal interests and values.
Being a job creator rather than a job seeker should place any individual on a different pedestal in
life. Entrepreneurial ventures also are focused on addressing not only environmental but social
challenges. Finding or developing solutions to such problems can have a positive impact on society
at large and contribute as well to global economic growth and well-being. Flexibility and adaptability
are the corner stone to any successful venture and can also prepare a student for diverse career
paths. Any institution that offers an entrepreneurship major should provide a supportive learning
environment with an emphasis on collaboration and teamwork. In many Universities, incubators and
accelerators provide mentorship and funding opportunities for student run startups. Networking
opportunities through guest lectures, alumni mixers and industry partnerships can support students
in developing and scaling their business ventures. Connecting with potential investors, business
mentors and successful entrepreneurs can all be invaluable for a student in their entrepreneurial
journey. Finally, several faculty members (both full time and adjuncts) who have industry
connections can provide invaluable guidance and mentorship as students try to navigate through the
complexities of starting, running and growing a business.

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In today’s dynamic ecosystem, there is a high reward for anyone who harbors an entrepreneurial
mindset. At its core, the BBA major in entrepreneurship should be structured to embed key
principles as theoretical constructs and as actionable yet implementable insights. A high-quality
program provides immersive experiences through innovation, ideation and market disruption type
courses in the curriculum. Such courses in the curriculum guide students on understanding market
gaps, crafting both short-term and long-term business strategies, securing the required capital and
bringing visionary concepts to substantial realism. With a BBA entrepreneurship major in hand,
budding entrepreneurs are more than just prepared; they are strategically positioned to turn
challenges into opportunities in the entrepreneurial world. At the end of the day, for anyone to
succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to be confident but remember that you’re competing against
yourselves – surrender your EGO and succeed with your LOGO.

With platforms like, you can get started on this exciting journey from the comfort of your home, gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the data-driven world.

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