How to prepare for an interview in the banking sector

banking sector

‘How to prepare for an interview in the banking sector’ by Dr. Akhil Shahani, Managing Director, The Shahani Group.

The banking sector is progressively becoming competitive, with India’s digital transformation and the increase in the use of new technologies, initiated by the Government of India. The bankers of tomorrow will need the skills to manage these new innovations along with having knowledge of core banking applications. MNCs and top private Banks therefore, are looking for employees who are professional and knowledgeable. banking sector To make sure that you make the most of the opportunity available, these are the things that you should keep in mind before you appear for the interview.

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Preparation and Research

Before you attempt the interview, the first and foremost thing that you should focus on is learning about the bank that you are going to be interviewing with, by studying their website and reading the latest news articles about them.

It is important that you are thoroughly prepared with your material, and are up-to-date in your knowledge about the basics of the banking industry and bank operations. You can also take a course in banking to learn the same so as to maximise your chances at securing the opportunity. A little insight about the expectations of the job profile you are interviewing for, will also take you a long way. For eg., if you plan to interview for a customer service role, you should know what are some of the activities that you will be expected to take on.

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Communication is Key

When preparing for an interview, you need to keep in mind that the interviewers at Banks prefer good English communication skills. Avoid the use of ‘hinglish’ or slang words and communicate in coherent sentences. Speak slowly in a discernible manner and in a low, respectful tone. Pause to think before answering any questions so as to give yourself time to frame your words properly.

Your body language is an equally important factor to keep in mind during an interview. Do not slouch or look too relaxed in your chair, but also do not seem too excited or eager. Fidgeting, playing with the pen or resume or exhibiting restlessness should be avoided. Smiling and nodding when required and maintaining a strong eye contact display a responsive attitude. Be very polite and use words like “please”, “thank you” “sir” and “ma’am” often during the interview.

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Dress Appropriately

The way you dress will determine how your employers perceive you when you first meet them. Dressing in neat formals is important to look professional and prepared. For men, it is preferable to wear a formal light coloured shirt (plain or stripes), dark coloured trousers, blazer and a tie. Men should also avoid wearing any jewellery, and accessorize with a simple, plain watch. Combed clean hair, freshly shaved face or trimmed and neat facial hair is preferable.

Women should ideally dress in a formal, plain light coloured blouse, mid to long length skirt, or trousers, blazer preferable, minimal jewellery and avoid the use of strong perfumes.

Post the Interview

Post your interview, ask the interviewer when you are likely to hear back from them on their decision. Make sure you thank your interviewer before leaving the room and send a “thank you” email to the person who arranged your interview.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You might feel that the above points are too tedious to follow. However, remember that the best jobs in the top banks go to the best and brightest among their applicants. You need to decide how much effort you are willing to put in to get there.

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