IIM Bangalore Introduces Doctoral Student Research Paper Awards


Awards based on academic performance, research productivity, quality of research in process and quality journal papers in management research published

4 October, 2024, Bengaluru: The Office of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme of IIM Bangalore hosted the Doctoral Programme Scholarship Awards ceremony to felicitate Doctoral students for their remarkable achievements, earlier today. The first batch of recipients of the newly launched Doctoral Student Research Paper Awards for 2024, was also announced.

PhD Fellowship Award

The PhD Fellowship Award Committee selected the award winners based on academic performance at IIM Bangalore; research productivity in terms of journal publications and submissions to reputed journals; quality of research work in the pipeline, and alignment of research with award objectives. 

The Fellowship recipients for 2024 are: Sanchit Jain of the F&A area and Divya Dwivedi of the IS area (The Mirae Asset Scholars Award); Lakshmi Parvathy of the PP area and Murari Srihari Srinivasa of the DS area (The Wipro Sustainability Scholar Award); Chinmay Jayant Divekar of the DS area (JR Fellowship Award); Gopinath Annadurai of the PP area (Adani Indology Research Scholarship Award); Satyajit Roy of the POM area (Herbalife Sustainability PhD Fellowship Award), and Mareeswaran M of the F&A area and Kapil Gupta of the DS area (The Florintree Scholarship Award). 

Doctoral Student Research Paper Award

The Doctoral Student Research Paper Award aims to recognize quality journal papers in the field of management research published by students of IIMB’s Doctoral programme. This year’s recipients are: Ashish Singh Bhandari (POM area); Ayesha Arora (POM area, she has two papers to her credit); Chhavi Shekhawat (F&A); Chinmay Jayant Divekar (DS); Deepti Sharma (PP, two papers to her credit); Himanshu Shekhar (Strategy); Kapil Gupta (DS); Mareeswaran M (F&A); Ronit Neogy (DS); Satyajit Roy (POM), and Lakshmi Parvathy (PP area).

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Milestone Recognition

Other students who were felicitated include those who have cleared the Comprehensive Examination, as well as for Successful Proposal Defense and Successful Dissertation Defense.

PhD Student Academic Committee (SAC)

The outgoing PhD Student Academic Committee members (2023-2024) were thanked and received certificates, and the new PhD Student Academic Committee members (2024-2025) were welcomed. 

Prof. Rejie George Pallathitta of the Strategy area of IIM Bangalore area moderated the event and delivered the vote of thanks. “The Doctoral students’ efforts coupled with the support from the sponsoring organizations will go a long way in enhancing the research and academic ecosystem of our country”, he observed.

Congratulating the PhD students and thanking the corporate sponsors who are supporting research endeavors in management institutes, Prof. Rishikesha T Krishnan, Director, IIM Bangalore, said, “These awards will recognize the milestones and progress of the PhD students. Deeply committed to its Doctoral programme, IIMB has enhanced associated facilities and will continue to do so. Creating strong and well-developed PhD students will go on to contribute immensely to academia, research and industry, which in turn will boost the country’s economic growth and prosperity. I urge you PhD students to continue to do your best and try to connect your learnings to the world of practice. I would also encourage you to pull your skills and support yourselves as a community, since a vibrant PhD community will result in better outcomes for all. And do reach out to us if you need any sort of support, even outside academics.”

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Congratulating the students for their achievements, Prof. Ananth Krishnamurthy, Chairperson, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and faculty of the Decision Sciences area of IIMB, said that he encouraged future aspirants of the Fellowship to keep the required criteria in mind and work towards higher research productivity in their respective fields. “We look forward to great research and publications in top-tier journals from all the winners”, he added.Also present at the event were representatives of the scholarship sponsor organizations – Aditya Somani and Priteesh Mahajan from Florintree; Uday Prakash and Shweta A Jha from Herbalife; P S Narayan and Avinash Kumar from Wipro, as well as other faculty, staff and students of IIMB.

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