New Delhi, 7th February: Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology signed a Memorandum of Understanding with UiT The Arctic University of Norway on 4th February, 2020 to promote scientific collaboration and cooperation between their research and administrative staff, departments, and research institutes. The MoU will facilitate bilateral visits by students and researchers with an objective to push the boundaries of the state-of-the-art research and also joint supervision of PhD students. The collaboration will be in the form of faculty and student exchanges, joint projects and exchange of information on educational programs.
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While signing the MoU in New Delhi, Dr. Ranjan Bose, Director, IIIT-Delhi quoted “IIIT-Delhi has been known for delivering research excellence alongside the highest quality education, coupled with our passion for creating impact on society and our commitment to contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals. We are very happy to sign the MoU with UiT and are excited to explore research collaborations with them in diverse areas including artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, big-data analytics etc. and their application to solve real-world challenges.”
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Hege Kristin Widnes from UiT, shared his views on the MoU saying, “This is a great opportunity for both the Institutes to forge closer ties that will enable focused research, as well as, strengthen cooperation between the two countries.”
The collaboration between the two universities will promote better research in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Inverse Electromagnetics and many other research areas.
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