Little VIPS Gate-crash the Press Conference of Infinity Learn by Sri Chaitanya


A First-of-its-kind Innovative marketing initiative that not only grabbed attention, but strategically positioned the acquisition with target audience

New Delhi, June (pls add date), 2022: India’s fastest growing edtech brand, Infinity Learn by Sri Chaitanya (Asia’s largest Education group) acquired Wizklub recently. The announcement was made at a Press Conference in New Delhi. The conference was attended by over 100 members from the Press community where Ujjwal singh, CEO & President, Infinity Learn, Sushma Boppana, founder Director, /Infinity Learn and Amit Bansal, Founder CEO, Wizklub addressed the business, strategic, financial and product perspectives of the acquisition. 

Until, they were interrupted…

An interruption that visibly startled the media who had puzzled expressions. Never had they expected a press conference to be gate-crashed by enthusiastic young VIPs. A group of 10-12 children in the age group of 8 to 12, dressed as future doctor, engineer, architect, scientist, astronaut, pilot, fashion designer, gamer, entrepreneur, etc. entered the conference unannounced and posed some serious questions about the acquisition and its advantages to the ultimate beneficiaries, i.e. kids. 

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Thoroughly surprised, amused, yet attentive spokespeople whole heartedly participated and engaged in this discussion by addressing the questions of the kids and explained the possibilities that Infinity Futurz (earlier Wizklub) would offer them to help them prepare for the future. The Kids went on to talk about their dream professions and in their own innocent worldview, described the change they would impact once they grow and realize their future aspirations.

Ujjwal Singh, CEO & President, Infinity Learn expressed, “A disruptive, out-of-the-box marketing idea – It was bold, brazen and brilliant! When our team pitched us the idea, we were a bit apprehensive initially. However, it kind of struck a chord when we realized how this idea could position the Infinity Futurz as a vertical with the audience. Somehow in the whole of EdTech, the Ed part gets lost. We wanted to take this opportunity to speak to kids through kids creating a direct impact. This idea also resonated with our idea to reach learners and tell them how technology will bring greater transparency and personalise learning and help them become successful by learning new languages such as Coding, C++, etc and choose their own career path thereby designing their future. I believe this was an opportunity to demonstrate our thoughts.”

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About Infinity Learn 

Asia’s largest Education group Sri Chaitanya, Infinity Learn is the fastest-growing EdTech company in India. Led by people with the purpose to ‘Power Learner’s Progress’ has achieved one million-plus registered users and 100K+ paid users on the platform in a span of 10 months since its commercial launch. We have over 10 million + questions attempted by learners on our platform so far and robust 500K+ questions in our question bank with over 300K+ solutions (including vernacular content being created in-house), making it one of the few companies in India today claiming the content leadership. Infinity learn takes pride in making employees its priority and propagate “Think Like an Owner” in all aspects of the job and make them feel valued and respected. The aim to High-Trust, High-Performance Culture helps deliver sustained business results and make each employee become a part of the great place. And so all of them are committed to the vision of ‘Powering Learner’s Progress’ and making Infinity Learn by Sri Chaitanya a great place to work FOR ALL.

Also well Awarded in its very first year of inception:

Ø  Youngest and Fastest growing EdTech in India to get certified Great Place to Work” (within the very first year of our inception)

Ø  First EdTech brand from Asia awarded as Infinity Learn, the only EdTech Brand in Asia to have Bagged Asia’s Prestigious Brands (Rising) in EdTech and Marketing Meister Awards at the Celebrated Global Business Symposium 2022

Ø  Infinity Learn conferred with the ‘Best Testing & Assessment Solution of the Year’ 2022 award by Entrepreneur India Magazine

Ø  Zee Hindustan conferred ‘The Most Promising Edtech Brand’ 2021 Award to Infinity Learn by Sri Chaitanya

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