MAKAUT organizing a contest called “VLOG ON MAKAUT” for the existing In-house students


Kolkata, 13th December, 2022: The Outreach Division of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), WB is organizing a contest called “VLOG ON MAKAUT” for the existing In-house students.

The students willing to participate in the contest will have to send their entries with the following details:

Name of the participating student

Phone Number

Department Name with Semester

Photocopy of MAKAUT In-house Identity Card

VLOG Link (YouTube Link)

The e-mail ID for sending the above details:

The last Date for sending Entries is: 15.12. 2022

Contact Number for any Clarification: 03329991534 (on any working day between 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Also Read: MAKAUT organizing an Interactive Session on the “Scope of Green Entrepreneurship”

About MAKAUT: The University came into operation formally with the assumption of the office of the first Vice Chancellor on January 15, 2001 as a sequel to the promulgation of THE WEST BENGAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ACT, 2001, under West Bengal Act XV of 2000 passed by the West Bengal Legislature. The University started its academic programme, from July 16, 2001 following a Notification from the Department of Higher Education; Government of West Bengal dated June 15, 2001 through the affiliation of Engineering and Management Institutions / Colleges and has entered the eighteen years of its functioning. The University is included in Section 2F and also in Section 12B of UGC and recipient of UGC Grant. The University wants to grow nurturing innovative / novel ideas that would touch all segments of the society especially the marginalized ones. We look at technology from a broad social perspective and are organizing postgraduate courses in basic and applied sciences. The University has introduced new courses in emerging areas to develop, enhance and higher education.

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