Mumbai girl Priyanka Budkuley gets fee waiver, scholarship from emlyon business school, France

Priyanka Budkuley

Mumbai girl Priyanka Budkuley has been awarded a scholarship to pursue her higher studies in emlyon business school, France. She comes from a very humble background. After her parents got separated at an early age, she has struggled a lot and come out as a real fighter. A bachelor in Mass Media (with a specialization in Advertising), Priyanka started working at a very early age to become financially independent. From door-to-door sales to giving product pitches in the mall, she has worked in various roles to complete her Bachelor’s degree.

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Her first job into online marketing after graduation motivated her to dive deep into digital marketing space, and today she has 7+ years of experience, encompassing Event Management, Digital Marketing, Content Management, Product Promotion, Vendor Relationship, and Campaign Management.

Easy Siksha got talking to Mumbai girl Priyanka Budkuley to understand how he achieved this feat of reaching her dream journey from India to France in becoming a successful Digital Marketing influencer and why she considers emlyon business school as a medium to fulfil her dreams

Q: Why did you choose to study abroad?

Mumbai girl Priyanka Budkuley Study abroad gives an opportunity to work with people coming from different places/ countries, hence, it adds up to your learning experience. It gives an opportunity to step away from traditional teaching methods and explore things from a different perspective. Priyanka Budkuley In addition to this getting to know about various cultures and exploring various parts of the world has always been a dream. What could be better than pursuing MSc in Paris?

Q: Was France your only choice as a study destination or did you consider other countries as well?

Frankly no, France wasn’t my only choice. When I started off with my college search, I landed on the program offered by emlyon and it was truly inspiring for me. Priyanka Budkuley Within a few moments, it made its way to the list of things I aspire for. First I did not want to look at the program fees when I applied and my main focus was on clearing the entrance test, getting a scholarship, and receiving admission letter.

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Since I have already made up mind to pursue my Master’s degree abroad, I looked up for several relevant and top-notch programs in the UK, Ireland, and as well as Germany. When looking up for the programs, I usually had 3 things on my mind Program structure, Affordability, and Tenure of the program.


Priyanka Budkuley1

I was lucky enough to receive an offer from 3 places, other than emlyon. Each of them offered something that was worth pursuing (starting right from system innovation and going up to big data)

Q: Why emlyon business school?

As mentioned, I was lucky enough to receive an offer from 3 places, but In spite of all the offers, emlyon business school was at the top of my list due to various reasons:

  • emlyon had the perfect blend of engineering and management, which made it the right choice for me
  • The multiple scholarship options both from the school and the government. Without a scholarship, pursuing such programs was going to be next to impossible for me.
  • The employability rate of emlyon is pretty high. Standing amongst the Top 5 B Schools in the country.

Q: Once you were sure of going abroad to study, how did you research the application process? Was it a difficult stage?

Going abroad to study was in fact one of the toughest decisions, I’ve had to make. It felt like I was aiming for the stars. Perhaps, traveling abroad is always a stressful experience for students and their families because it is like a huge transformation. The factors we need to consider to make it easier for us:

  • My very first step was looking up for all the scholarships available – not through one particular website, but through all available website. WeMakeScholars is one such website.
  • I researched on various kinds of loans available – since I knew nothing about loan applications, I did not have a co-applicant or any collateral’s. So this was particularly very difficult. But in case you are an applicant like me, don’t worry. You can check loan providers like Prodigy.
  • The Campus France website was really helpful to get an overview of everything an enrolled student needs to know
  • emlyon website had various kinds of accommodation links available on their portal. But I looked up for those offered by the Govt, which are usually much cheaper.
  • So the important sources I came across while doing my research are as follows – the Alumni network, emlyon Website, Campus France Website, and Google.

Q: Which universities did you apply to, apart from emlyon business school?

It was very difficult to find programs that were a mix of management and technical aspects. But here is a list of few that I came across and applied for apart from EMLyon:

  • Paris School of Business (PSB), France
  • ESSCA, France
  • Dublin Business School (DBS), Ireland
  • Leeds University, UK
  • ISM International School of Management GmbH, Berlin

Q: How did you apply for the scholarship in Emlyon Business School?

The school offers a variety of scholarships. I submitted a letter of motivation and appeared for a digital test. The board then offers scholarships based on the collaborative analysis of your profile, test results and your letter.

However, even after I received a scholarship, I was unable to arrange the funds required to confirm my application. I am not sure, if I want to blame COVID, cause even without it in the picture, this was like Mission IMPOSSIBLE for me.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Starting their India operations, this year, emlyon launched Care, Dare and Share talks – a platform for students to discuss their problems with the India team. During one of these talks, when I discussed my concerns with Mr. Ashley Fernandes, India Head, he was kind enough to review my application and provide award me with an exceptional amount of scholarship, to help me get through. This in itself was a huge encouragement.

Q: What was the scholarship amount you received?

In addition to the initial scholarship I had received, I got an additional scholarship of 24.5% on my tuition fees.

Q: Do you have any advice for prospective international students?

If you are confident about the program, gain confidence in the school. That is what will matter through your journey to pursue. When I discussed my problems and concerns with the India team, they made me feel like I was one of them, which is very important; especially when you are traveling abroad.

Lookup for budget accommodations, near to your school or you could look up for those provided by the government – which are affordable and safe. Research from all the possible places, you never know what you may need. Don’t forget to skim through the local language spoken, it will simply make life easier for you.

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