Field trip are certainly one of the most exciting events in a school. These trips usually provide a practical learning experience in the most enjoyable and fun manner. Such activities give a chance to the children to spend time with their friends and teachers and at the same time learn something new in a more unstructured way.
In this light, Orchids International School’s Ambegaon branch recently conducted a unique field trip for their EYP students. As the Metro is Pune’s latest attraction, inaugurated recently by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. For the first time in Pune, a school organized a trip for students to view and experience the Metro ride- Orchids Ambegaon took students on a field trip to the Pune Metro station, the students learnt about how a metro rail functions and how to board and experience travelling on a metro train.

Nearly 262 EYP students (Nursery to Grade 2), 28 Teachers, Coordinators and the Principal, Aparna Khairnar along with 6 ancillary staff were the part of this interesting trip. The students and staff of Orchids Ambegaon visited the Metro station, saw important parts of the station and took a two-way ride. The school received overwhelming feedback from parents as this was indeed a great surprise trip! The entire management of the Pune metro lent immense support by deputing their support staff to escort and guard the students on the platform, while boarding and alighting the metro.
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