Pacific World School holds an exhibition to spread awareness about UN Sustainable Development Goals


The Pacific World School organised an exhibition in which the school students performed several activities to spread awareness about the UN Sustainable Development goals. The PWS students used oils, watercolours, craftwork and 3-D installations to present an artistic satire on the prevalence of community menace in the society. They used their creative instincts to send a strong message to the community to change their habits and their lifestyle for the sake of future generations.

Titled “The Panchtatva” the PWS students took inspiration from the five basic elements—Air, Land, Water, Fire and Space and send across a clarion call to stop pollution at all levels—from “Local to Global”. They showed how dastardly mankind’s actions were causing insurmountable harm to the five elements of nature.

The cynosure of the PWS exhibition was “The Human Shark.” which was made from E-waste like mobile phones, chargers, transistors, etc. It was an incisive and trenchant demonstration of the piles of junk generated by human society regularly. The Pacific World School students wanted to bring to the forefront the vices of human greed. 

The PWS students lampooned the unbridled human consumption of cars, mobiles, laptops, gadgets, plastics, wrappers, chemicals and fashion and how baleful it is for the environment.

Speaking about the exhibition, Pooja Bose, Principal, Pacific World School, the venue of the exhibition, said, “Waste is piling up like dead weight. The PWS students want this to stop, at all levels, from local to global. It is a monster of our creation, and if we don’t do anything about it now the time is not far before it will completely devour everything.”

“The Panchtatva” has also sent a strong but necessary message to the parent community exhorting them to change their lifestyle and make it sustainable for their children.

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