SIAM, ATMA & ITTAC organizes 2nd Series of virtual seminars on ‘Road Safety Advocacy for Tyres’


Discussed: Technology & Environmental Challenges

New Delhi, September 24, 2021: The Indian apex automotive industry body, Society of Indian  Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) along with Automotive Tyre Manufacturers Association  (ATMA) & Indian Tyre Technical Advisory Committee (ITTAC) today led its 2nd edition of  ‘Road Safety Advocacy for Tyres’ on a virtual platform. The seminar themed  ‘Technology & Environmental Challenges’, this 2nd Series is a part of a Tri Virtual  Series

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Under the ‘Tri Series Seminar’, ATMA-SIAM is organizing three sessions to spread awareness  on various aspects of tyre care, Road Safety Advocacy for Tyres, and sustainability to advocate the road safety mission by MoRTH, Govt. of India. While the first series focused on tyre and road safety, the  second one is emphasising on technology and environmental issues, and the third series will  be on standards, regulations and sustainability. 

The 2nd edition of the virtual program witnessed the participation of government officials as  well as industry leaders and subject experts, who deliberated upon topics such as Sustainable  Mobility and Technology & Environmental Challenges.  

In his opening remark, Mr Prashant K Banerjee, Executive Director, SIAM, said, “The tyre  sector is one of the most regulated one, but the irony is that despite being one of the most  critical component for a safe drive the tyres don’t get enough attention. I believe that tyres  deserve to be dealt on priority and with more respect therefore, this is important to spread awareness amongst the users.” 

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On the occasion, the Chief Guest, Mr Ravi Agarwal, Additional Secretary, MoEF & CC,  said, “This initiative by SIAM, ATMA and ITTA will go a long way in creating awareness about  tyre-maintenance and safety. Also, there is no doubt about the fact that automobiles are the  true indicators of economic well-being of the country. There is a lot of potential for research in  this area as it has a widespread impact on the environment as well as the economy. Also, a  practical and sustainable model for extended producer economy in the domain of tyres must  be constituted. The concept of a circular economy is important for the management of tyres from the design stage to the end of product lifecycle.” 

Mr Rajiv Budhraja, Director General, ATMA, said, “Road safety and tyre-care are very much  part of the inner core functioning of our association. In first phase, we connected closely with  the users, further in second phase, we touched product, sustainability and environment and  in the third and final phase, we will be connecting with influencers and policy makers. Life  safety is of utmost importance and deserves more attention in awareness campaign. And now  the time is RIPE for tyres and safety elements that are associated. We call this RIPE, where  R stands for Respect, I for information, P for practice and E for educate.”

During inaugural session Mr Ravin Kurian, Chairman, ITTAC also highlighted the  commitment of industry along with the challenges to attain low rolling resistance and improving  hostile environment for tyres. 

Today, followed by inaugural session, the first Presentation session on ‘Scenario towards  Sustainable Mobility’ was hosted by Mr Tom Thomas, Ex. Executive Director, R&D,  Technology and Projects, CEAT; Dr K Rajkumar, Director, IRMRA; Mr V K Misra, Director  Technical, J K Tyre & Industries Ltd. They respectively presented technical papers on  sustainable- mobility: emerging new raw materials scenario, role of rubber industry in  environment sustainability and end of life: Tyre Management. The session was moderated by  Mr P K Mohamed, Chief Advisor – R&D, Apollo Tyres. 

The second presentation-session was conducted on Technology & Environmental  Challenges. In this session, Dr D Balakrishnan, General Manager, Ashok Leyland Ltd presented on the Challenges pertaining to commercial vehicle tyres. Another expert, Dr  Cyrille Roget, Innovation and Scientific Communication Director, Michelin (Europe) shared  his thoughts on Sustainable Mobility: Technology Trends & Development. Mr Anand  Kulkarni, Vice President (Product Line EV), Tata Motors Ltd presented on ‘Tyre Requirement  for EVs – Future Perspective. The second presentation session was moderated by Mr Renji  Issac, VP (R&D) and Technology, CEAT Ltd. 

As aforementioned, SIAM-ATMA and ITTAC will continue the endeavours and organize one  more remaining session due under the Road Safety Advocacy Tri Series on the “Regulation and Sustainability” in October 2021. 

About SIAM: 

The Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) is a not-for-profit apex national body  representing all major vehicle and vehicular engine manufacturers in India. SIAM works  towards supporting the sustainable development of the Indian Automobile Industry with the  vision that India emerges as the destination of choice in the world for design and manufacture  of automobiles. It also works towards facilitating enhancement of the competitiveness of the  Indian Automobile Industry, reducing the cost of vehicles, increasing productivity, and  achieving global standards of quality.

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