Studying medicine abroad gives aspirants a new perspective towards their career goals

Studying medicine

Dr Naresh Shetty, President of the International Program and Strategic Alliance at Ramaiah Group of Institutions Studying medicine abroad

Details about the new SGU and Ramaiah program of MBBS + MD in 5 years

Response – This program offers 10+2 graduates with the opportunity to acquire a postgraduate MD (Doctor of Medicine) degree in 5 years instead of the traditional 7-year route (MBBS + MS), and is recognized by the Medical Council of India (MCI). Aspirants will spend their first year at Ramaiah in Bengaluru, the second year either at SGU’s joint campus with Northumbria University in the UK or at SGU’s main campus in Grenada, the third year in Grenada campus, and the last two years of the MD program doing their clinical rotations either in the US or in the UK. Upon completion of the program, students will be awarded three degrees: an MD degree by SGU on completion of the program, a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences on successfully completing their third year, and a Certificate in Higher Education in Medical Sciences on finishing their first year Studying medicine abroad.

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• How the first year at Ramaiah is a good option in the current COVID situation with limited and uncertain travel options
Response – At this time of global uncertainty, Indian aspirants may be wondering whether applying for a university oversea would be a good option. Considering the entire situations, MD5 program will allow students to stay in India for longer, studying the first of SGU’s five-year postgraduate degree at RIMS in Bengaluru, and the final four years at SGU in Grenada. The program allows some of these young students to get used to a difficult course in a more familiar environment. The parents also feel more comfortable with kids close to their hometown.

• How this pathway will help students achieve their dream of practicing medicine abroad at a lower cost and lesser time
Response – This particular course is designed as a fast-tracked medical program. Students who do this course will get a direct passport to pursue their career in the USA or UK as they complete the USMLE during the course and residency is facilitated as they graduate from an American accredited college.  A student doing the regular MBBS program in the Indian system has to appear for USMLE after graduation and apply for residency which is very competitive. The chances of placement are less in the Indian pathway and the wait period is longer.

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• Challenges faced by aspirants in India in order to pursue a global career in the international healthcare sector and how is this partnership resolving it

Response – For those wanting to study medicine, there are only limited seats available in Indian medical institutions. At an average, 1.5 million students taking their NEET exams hoping to obtain seats among approximately 65,000 medical seats available every year. The remaining applicants have to look for alternatives elsewhere. However, the problem is that students who decide to obtain their medical degree abroad find that most schools are not approved by the Medical Council of India and hence cannot return home to practice on completion.  Despite this scenario, today there are around 300,000 Indian students currently studying Medicine abroad, with an estimated 10,000 leaving India each year to study medicine at well-respected and globally recognized universities abroad.
Even more importantly, in today’s world gaining a medical degree overseas enables graduates to work internationally in countries of their choice and gain valuable experience in their field of specialization with leading healthcare systems, learning how to serve the needs of diverse populations.  This global experience is very attractive to medical institutions in India, when selecting medical practitioners to join their workforce, and offers graduates the flexibility of living and working anywhere in the world.

Important Announcement – EasyShiksha has now started Online Internship Program “Ab India Sikhega Ghar Se” during this lockdown.

Not only do students obtain valuable skills when studying abroad, with a strong focus on soft skills and their ability to work with patients and colleagues from very diverse backgrounds, but also there are a number of medical specialisms that are more advanced in countries like the US or UK than in India (and vice versa), and it is important for healthcare experts of tomorrow to be aware of the cutting-edge technologies available in such countries, to be able to build a successful international career.

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The various issues being faced by medical students in India have prompted Ramaiah to pursue an international partnership with St George’s University (SGU) Medical School. The partnership between Ramaiah and SGU ensures students learn the latest medical and technological advancements and allows them to practice medicine in the USA, India, and more than 50 other countries.

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