Tech and Life Skills Every Child Should Learn Early



With the world rapidly changing towards technological advancements skills it is more crucial than ever to develop essential life skills early. According to a study by the National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), 59.2% of children use their smartphones/internet devices for chatting on social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. According to a recent study, around 30.2% of the children in the age group between (8-18) years old already possess their own smartphones and use the same for all purposes. By the age of ten years, children are at their prime stage to learn and master various skills which serve throughout their lives. 

Mr. Pankaj Kumar, Founder and Managing Director of Shard Center for Innovation, emphasizes that cultivating the below share essential life skills during various stages of life can significantly contribute to students becoming well-rounded, efficient, and confident citizens of the future.

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A friendly acquaintance with AI

Shortly, AI is going to be part of our everyday life. That will unburden us from many activities, to focus on the more important ones. Hence, the same is rapidly converting into an essential life skill. Nowadays, education in AI is available in many formats, including full-time and part-time courses. They include topics like- Data analytics, Deep learning, Machine learning, Natural language processing (NLP) and Neural networks. A first-hand knowledge of AI to children will not only promote their academic growth but will also enhance their efficiency and decision-taking abilities in life. Understanding the basics of AI  demystifies all related technologies, as well as that can ignite an interest in further innovations.  

Design Thinking Skills 

Pankaj Kumar, Founder and Managing Director of Shard Center for Innovation, said, trying to develop the structured thinking skills in kids can help them understand, analyze and solve the compound problems of their future lives. Programmes such as the Young Scientists Programme provides a step-by-step rationalization -cum- dissolution training to handle any kind of challenges posed to them by the modern day world. That is essential to evolve them into the leaders of the future.  

Robotics and Automation

Robots are going to be the colleagues of tomorrow. They’ll manage your house and set your bedrooms. Knowledge of them will be essential to carry out day-to-day as well as professional activities in the times to come. The education is available at many institutes including Shard Center for Innovation that provides hands-on experiential learning of block-based Coding, Scratch, pre-Robotics, 3-D printing skills and STEM aptitude, in a joyful and stress-free environment. This not only hones their knowledge, creativity and imagination, but also provides key lessons on Communication skills, Leadership and Teamwork. 

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Home Project Sets 

Fun yet structured learning can make a huge difference, especially for young learners. Involving kids in AI, ML & IoT courses from an early stage not only develops them into efficient persons of the future, but also complements their formal & academic learning domain. It involves amazing uses of the beginners coding to Python programming, to make machines function as they want. It ensures that the kids are not just life-ready but also stay ahead of the curve, add Mr. Pankaj Kumar

Multimedia Skills

Skills like creating and editing animations, audios and videos, can be delightfully funny for children; and incredibly useful in today’s modern world. There are numerous courses and user-friendly software which a parent can introduce to their kids. That can be a great kickstart to their future career. These skills enhance creativity and communication, which can be valuable in various walks of professional lives. 

Self-Care & Personal Hygiene

This is one of the most fundamental skills that every child, no matter their age, should master. Ever since the pandemic, people’s consciousness towards hygiene and self-care has increased more than ever. Therefore, teaching children the importance of regular handwashing, brushing their teeth, maintaining hygiene, regular bathing and grooming is crucial. The parents and teachers should also teach them about the significance of taking a healthy diet, keeping a good company, regular exercise and sound sleep. These habits not only promote physical & mental health but also boost their self-esteem, resilience and confidence.

Today technology permeates into every aspect of our life. Therefore, by mastering these essential skills before turning 10, children are better prepared to face the world with competence and confidence. That empowers them to be apt learners, critical thinkers and responsible citizens. Furthermore, boosting these skills early on, instills into them a sense of freindliness and enthusiasm for technology; potentially igniting a lifelong passion for learning and innovation. As they grow, they will find that these life skills open doors to numerous opportunities, whether in their academic pursuits, personal interests, or future careers.


— Pankaj Kumar Singh, Managing Director, Shard Center

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