The Shri ram wonder years celebrated a delightful diwali with tiny Tots


Students of The Shri ram wonder years celebrated Diwali by participating in several activities. ‘Diwali Utsav’ was organised with great pomp and show on the school premises with all the fun zones for students and parents. A number of games won the attention of everyone and witnessed massive participation. Games included hoop the gift, knock down, shooting balloon games and multiple other fun activities that students enjoyed with their parents. More than seven food stalls were set up, offering multiple delicacies cherished by all.

Along with this, about 25 exhibition stalls were put up to showcase the hard work of students they had put up in acts like Diya painting, lantern making and chocolate ball making. Parents and teachers appreciated the efforts of tiny tots and clicked pictures with all the displayed items. Approximately 200 parents were invited to the celebration on different days according to their wards’ classes. Held in the school studio, this Diwali festival was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. Tarot card reading and health checkup camps were also integral to the celebration.

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“Our kids have put a lot of effort into making this event a grand success. Our faculty also played a vital role in training our students to perform well in the activities. The enthusiastic response of parents encouraged the students to perform even better in the coming days. We were delighted to share the happiness and delight of this festival with our students and their parents,” said Ms Shubhi Soni, Head of the School, The Shri ram wonder years.

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