The University of Hull becomes full Chevening partner creating new scholarships on Postgraduate Courses


The  University of Hull Announces 5 New Scholarships for 160 countries including India covering full tuition fees on masters courses

The University of Hull has recently become a full Chevening partner. Chevening is the UK’s leading Global Master’s scholarship programme and the University of Hull is announcing 5 new scholarships for students from eligible countries for full tuition fees on master’s programmes. Chevening is accepting applications from over 160 countries including India for the academic year 2022-23. 

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To be eligible prospective applicants must hold a bachelors degree equivalent to a high UK second class honours. Students must also meet the English language requirements set out in Chevening’s guidance for applicants on their website. Prospective candidates must apply for a University of Hull full-time postgraduate taught programme, which leads to a master’s qualification. Chevening Scholars are required to demonstrate qualities of influence and leadership, and applicants must be able to demonstrate they have at least two years of work or equivalent experience by the end of September 2021. Lastly, all Chevening Scholars need to return to the county they were selected from at the end of the period of study.

To be considered for a scholarship, students need to submit their applications via Chevening’s online application system and complete their master’s degree application on the University of Hull’s website. Chevening’s online application system will be open until 2nd November 2021. 

Restrictions preventing students from applying for Chevening/University of Hull scholarships include individuals holding a dual citizenship where one nationality is British (unless exempt in Chevening’s guidance for applicants);candidates applying for D.Phil or PhD programmes; students wishing to study a course with a duration of either less than nine months or more than 12 months; students who are receiving or who have previously received financial support from either the University of Hull or the UK Government.  

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Talking about the University of Hull and Chevening, Emma Payne, International Recruitment Manager for India says, “While we have been receiving Chevening scholars for over 20 years, becoming a full Chevening partner this year and creating the five new scholarships presents a great opportunity for future leaders and innovators to come to the UK for their master’s studies. I encourage students in India to apply”.  

Chevening is open to students from over 160 countries worldwide, and Chevening Scholars are renowned for demonstrating great potential to become future leaders, decision-makers and opinion-formers in their own countries. The University of Hull recognises how Chevening Scholars contribute enormously to the impact and influence of its global student community.

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