African National Congress Foundation Day


The African National Congress (ANC) is South Africa’s most democratic political party. It has been in power since the election of a lawyer, activist and former political prisoner Nelson Mandela in the first free and fair elections in 1994, and has been re-elected in every election since despite the lowest number since 2004. Cyril Ramaphosa, the current President of South Africa, has served as President of the ANC since December 18, 2017.

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The ANC was founded on 8 January 1912 by John Langalibalele Dube in Bloemfontein as the South African Native National Congress (SANNC), whose main goal was to unite all Africans into one nation, to protect their rights and freedoms. This includes granting full voting rights to black South Africans and the various countries of the South African people, and ending the apartheid system introduced by the National Party government after their 1948 elections.

The ANC initially tried to use non-violent protests to end apartheid; however, the Sharpeville massacre in March 1960, in which 69 black South Africans were shot dead by police and hundreds injured during peaceful protests; has contributed to the deterioration of relations with the minority white government. On April 8, 1960, Governor-General Charles Robberts Swart declared the ANC illegal, and they would be banned for the next 30 years. Following the closure of the law, the ANC launched the National Anthem (Umkhonto we Sizwe) against apartheid using terrorist war and destruction.

Thirty years after their deportation, when many ANC members were imprisoned or forced to flee abroad, the country began to move into a multi-racial democracy. On February 3, 1990, President F. but only white South Africans can vote. The majority of voters voted to end apartheid and the ANC was allowed to stand in the 1994 national election, which was for the first time; gave all South Africans, regardless of race, the right to vote.

Since 1994, the ANC has done better than 55% in the national elections, including the recent 2019 general elections; when the ANC got the worst election results so far. However, the team has had a lot of problems since 2011 and has been losing ground due to smaller teams.              


The establishment of the SANNC was a direct response to the administration of justice for black South Africans at the hands of the then ruling government. SANNC can be traced to the origin of Pixley’s proclamation by Isaac Seme who in 1911, “Forget all the differences among Africans and unite in one national organization. SANNC was established the following year on 8 January 1912.

The newly formed Union of South Africa government began a systematic repression of black people in South Africa. The Land Act enacted in 1913 forced many black South Africans to move from their farms to cities and towns in order to work, and restrict their movement to South Africa.

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In 1919, the SANNC led a global anti-apartheid campaign (the ID that black South Africans needed to have). However, it began to fall asleep in the mid-1920’s. At the time, black people were represented by the ICU and the Communist Party, which consisted exclusively of whites. In 1923, the organization became the African National Congress, and in 1929 the ANC supported the strike.

In 1927, J.T. Gumede (ANC president) proposed to work with the Communists in an effort to revive the party, but was ousted in the 1930’s. This led to the ANC becoming inactive and inactive, until the mid-1940s when the ANC was reorganized into a major party.

The ANC has responded to attacks on the rights of black South Africans, as well as calls for strikes, strikes and insults. This led to the late Opposition Camp in the 1950’s, a major anti-apartheid movement. The government tried to stop the ANC by shutting down party leaders and passing new laws to stop the ANC, but these measures eventually failed.

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Frequently Asked Questions

In 1955, the Congress of the People formally adopted the Freedom Charter, stating the core values ​​of the South African Congress Alliance, which included the African National Congress and its allies the South African Communist Party (SACP), the South African Indian Congress , the South African Congress of Democrats (COD) and the Colored People’s Congress. The government said this was a communist letter, and as a result ANC and Congress leaders were arrested. The 1960s saw the Sharpeville massacre, in which 69 people were killed when police opened fire on anti-apartheid protesters.

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