Technology In Education: Problems and Solutions


Technology is some time a curse and some time a blessing. It depends on the person who is using it. Many educator fear that technology is corrupting education or we can say students. It is really a hard for education institute to integrate technology with their system and this fear is result of when you don’t know how to handle it. There is a article by TED where the explained how well we can manage to combine technology with the education. On other end some have explained why it is still dangerous for students.

Making student tech-savvy is good but their addiction to it is also affecting them. Here today we are going to discuss these 2 side of the coin. So lets start with the problem or we can say fear that tech has given to educators.

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Tech-Ed Problems:

1. Not Affordable for Some:


There are few school and organization those come with good number of funding. It is just one side of the coin. Many of the schools can’t even afford a good computer classroom. Keeping up with this changing technology is always hard for the institutes. Even if they once purchase devices like laptop or desktop they need a good educator. So that they can deliver good knowledge to their students. Also now the internet is another part of these digital devices. So for an average class room they need a good internet connection with above average speed. So that everyone can have access to it.

2. Getting Social:


There are students who are into online education those are not joining any physical classes at all. This comes as a major factor in the problems faced by the people. Students need a class that help them understand human nature. They must learn to make friends, interact with people around them, take part into real life out there. If they can make any face-to-face connection with their teacher they will not take class seriously. Some time teachers also share their life experience to their students, it is also not present in online education.

3. Misleading:


Another problem is that when students are introduced with digital devices like laptops or mobile with social media access or messaging app then it cause distraction. Teachers are afraid to let their students use these devices. Because it is hard to control their activity on the devices. That makes them worried about students. Even if the filter the internet of browser, it become more hard if they own the device.

4. Too Much of Help:


Technology helps students in making project doing home work and other school activity. But one thing that draw the concern here is that it is too much helping. Students are finding solutions on the internet for every problem. They are using their logical skills that is a bad thing for them. A student need to be creative and logical thinker. As everything is available on the internet now they are advantage of it. Instead of applying their own methods they are just applying other. Some are using them without even understanding them. Even the calculator was once standing in this circle of questioning, whether to allow it or not.

5. Not up to the Standards:


Technology is bringing new innovation to the world. Teachers are happy that their students are using these tech and learning them. But some have noticed that more they are using these tech less their performance is getting. This degradation in their test performance is another reason to worry here. Teachers are concerned about their students performance. As of now they have found that it is hard when technology is around they think of it as a thread for their students.

These are the problems institutes and educators are concerned about. But one teacher from Fargo, North Dakota, have shown that this coin have another bright side too. Kayla Delzer think that tech still can revolutionize education all we need is a right way to use it. Here is how she explained on how we can trust technology for students.

Tech-Ed Solutions:

1. Engaging Content:


She told in TEDx Fargo that if your content is not so engaging then it is hard to make it popular on the digital devices. Technology will play no role here. She said technology should bring transformation into your classroom. Technology is what that make good changes in your students, in your teaching, in your classroom. If the technology is helping you or your student out then just leave it. Let your class as it be. Content or way of teaching need to be interactive and engaging. There are some app those use animation and user activity for teaching and there are some who make interactive online test series to improve their students. These kind of app keep students engaged with tech and improves the ability of the students.

2. The Way of Teaching


As we said earlier content need to be engaging but with content way of teaching also need to be engaging. App or platform those need their user to make interaction are best for teaching instead of those application who relies on the repetition or orthodox methods. Interactive app and game are best when it comes to develop essential skills in students. Students should have skills like logical thinking, critical thinking, creativity and others. These are improves or polished via interactive applications and games.

3. New Teachers


Not only educator, some time students are ahead of them in usage of technology. Let them be the teacher for once. Also some time just hand over them new app or device and tell them to learn it by yourself. More they get into it, their self learning will improvise and that will benefit them in near time.

4. Tech that Connect Them

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Delzer is always finding new tech that let her student connect with each other. She want to teach her students that learning from self and other is as important as from teachers. This practice might help students learn new things and in so less time they get introduced to so much more. It will help them in realizing so many things because who know what you grab from others.

5. Be smart and Stop Banning


Organization are using filters to stop their students from using YouTube. But it is one of those top search engine that provide you learning materials. If you are stopping them from using the resources then on what earth you are thinking that they will learn something. Yes, YouTube is a bit of distracting but still it depends on the students. She introduced video newsletter instead of paper newsletter to her students. She said she never looked back from it. It was one of the successful practice for her students.

6. Let Them Find Their Path

It is just like when you have graduated from college and wondering for career. Technology is like a career helper to students. Delzer got inspired by the 20 percent policy of the Google. She turned this idea into “Genius Hour”. She let her students pursue what they have interest in for 1 hour in a week. This inspire them and fire up their spirit to learn something new. Also they will become more focused for what they want to be in the future.

Technology is just an add-on to the education, it expands its limits and help students to get to the new height. But this is only possible when you make right choice with right technology. EasyShiksha is one of those kind of solutions that is a pure collaboration of education and technology. It is an solution that provides distance education with many other features.

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Sunil Sharma,

CEO, HawksCode |

A young entrepreneur who has a vision to provide education to everyone and everywhere. It is hard to find a dedicated individual who is passionate to innovate new way to spread the knowledge all over his reach. With continuously making progress he is developing solutions for knowledge seekers around the world.


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