Sustainable Development Goal 2018 Are All Set by UN

goals, SDC

Baan Ki-moon, Secretary general of UN, has said that there is a good news for people of this planet. These SDG goals are surely going to help all the citizen of world. UN was into the discussion for 3 years and now it has came with 17 sustainable goals for the development of the different sectors of our life. Before that in 2015 there were 8 goals focusing on eliminating the poverty, diseases, and increasing the availability of education for everyone. These goals are prepared by the agreement of 193 countries.

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These 17 SDG goals are set based on the Millennium Development Goals those are part of 2030 agenda of the sustainable development. UN worked very brilliantly on these goals that they worked very good with concrete, specification and measured milestones. But this focused work was also negative point for their work. Because focusing on some goals left other goals untouched. That resulted in unbalanced sheet of development analysis.

When it comes to the elimination of the poverty and increasing access of education UN’s work was splendid. It was impressive in compared to the last 15 year of their work. But when they realized where did they failed people. Those regions were people with disadvantages like gender, money, age, disability or ethnicity are often bypassed.

17 Goals of SDG-2018

As per the report that the MDG were to much focused on one thing so they came up with these SDGs those were widely spread and made of different areas. SDG-2018 is covering poverty, education to climate change problem.


When you see all these 17 goals with one eye then you will see that their all 169 targets are focused on eliminating poverty. “Eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development,”. The consultation process was said to be more transparent and inclusive by the Ban Ki-moon.

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UN made these targets and goals in the consultation of 5 million from 88 countries. All these people shared their vision on how the world will be in 2030. These goals are set to achieve their target in upcoming 15 years. These came into the act on September 25, 2015. UN also wrote that to accomplish these goals everyone (government, private sector, public sector) need to play their part.

UN also have put list of some work that you can do to be a part of this and help them in achieving the goals. These tasks are divided by them into 4 levels. These levels are

1. Task to do from Couch: You can save electricity, save paper by paying bills online, user digital note apps so there will be no need of paper and ink.

2. Task to do at Home: Dry your hair and clothes with the natural air, recycling, replace old electronics material, do energy saving, instead of plastic-gas lighters use cardboard matches.

3. Task for Outside the House: Try to shop locally, use bike, walk or public transport for travel. Vaccination is good for protection for your family.

4. Task to do at Office: Make sure everyone have health care, speak up if someone’s act will affect nature, planet or people around, if there is discrimination.

These are few of them. On their website you will see tons of things you can do to make all these sustainable goals get achieved. Be The Change by UN is also a part of these SDG to help them achieve. It is time to get involved into changing the world. Let us play our part here for better world.

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