Time to Change Outdated Indian Education System

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In this article i want share my views about Indian education system which now need updation. There is much need to do some changes in education system. India is home of youngest population in the world. If India want to be world power or world leader then country should prepare skilled young force. Next 2 decades are very important for our country. In coming 2 decades if we use our young population very well we will be able to world leader.

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India positions second on the planet with an expected populace of 1.2 billion individuals (July 2014) out of which the in excess of 430 million on individuals are between the ages of 15-34 years old which is around 35% of the number of inhabitants in the nation. The middle age of the nation populace is as of now 26.6 years which makes the nation the most astounding youth populace on the planet.

This is the aid for the nation where as it is the best time for us to tap this open door which can help the nation in changing the eventual fate of the nation. It is the best potential shot for us to gain an amazing monetary and social ground by addressing the necessities and goals of the adolescent by characterizing a superior future in type of occupation and other salary conceivable outcomes. We can take some steps to improve our education system.

1. Schools should focus on Practicals

In Indian schools teachers focus on theoretical knowledge. Teachers just give lectures and students prepare them for exams. Our grading system or exams also based on memory capabilities. The students who can well memorize the answer, get good grades. Now it’s time to change this system. Teachers should provide maximum practical knowledge. The knowledge which can student apply that is valuable knowledge. The theoretical lecture may be boring for the students and can not find those value in real world. So every subject or topic should be describe with it’s real world importance.

2. Need to use technology in teaching

In India technology can play measure roll in education. Schools should increase the use of technology the teach students. In classroom teachers can use Internet to provide better knowledge to students. With the help of technology teacher can describe all the subjects and their topics in very well manner. Students will also take interest in this kind of education system. Technology can be very useful to provide education in small villages where not good schools.

3. Colleges should prepare skilled workforce

We need to design every graduation course according to industry demands. So our college/ universities will produce well skilled workforce. College/universities students should be able to work in industries. Industry visits of students should increase, Internship time period should be at least 6 months. It will help students to increase their knowledge about industries in college time. So they will can prepare them to industries.

4. Government should increase education budget

So many changes which require in education system they need well budget also. Education is very important and basic right of any human being and if any country which want to grow that should invest in human resources. India has power of human resources but we need to convert them in very well educated and skilled human resource.

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5. Reduce the cost of higher education

Increasing cost of higher education courses is very important problem which is facing by every students as well as their parents also. Every year colleges and universities increasing the course fees. So government should make proper policy about fees.

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