Appointment of Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) Member Secretary


New Delhi, January 27, 2023: The Ministry of Education, Government of India has appointed Prof. Dhananjay Singh as Member Secretary of Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR).

Prof. Dhananjay Singh started his teaching career at Sri Aurobindo College, University of Delhi, in August-September 2006 and thereafter taught at Satyawati College, University of Delhi from September 2006 to December 2007. He joined the Centre for English Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, as a faculty in 2007, and headed the centre as its Chairperson from January 2019 to January 2023. He served as the Associate Dean of the School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies from May 2021 to January 23, 2023. He also served as Associate Dean of Students, JNU, (November 2017 to September 2019) and Chief Proctor of JNU (November 2019 to May 2021). He served as the Warden at Chandrabhaga Hostel, Jawaharlal Nehru University (September 2010 to May 2017).

Early in his teaching and research career, Prof. Singh worked, as Assistant Editor, in the prestigious project titled The Encyclopedia of Indian Poetics, with Dr. Kapil Kapoor as the Chief Editor, a project of Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, & Union Academique Internationale (UAI), Brussels. He was also Assistant Editor, with Dr. Kapil Kapoor as the Chief Editor, of Mutual Regards: Indo-Irish Anthology, a collaborative project involving Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and the University of Ulster at Colerain (Ireland).

Prof. Singh has taught MA and PhD courses in JNU on Research Methodology; Sanskrit Poetics; Comparative Poetics; English Literary Criticism; Life, Literature and Thought-19th Century; Indian Aesthetics; Indian Philosophy of Language; Bharata’s Natyashastra, Anandavardhan’s Dhvanyaloka; South Asian Fiction; Canadian Fiction; Creative Writing; Irish Drama; and Irish Poetry and Fiction. He has supervised 23 PhD theses and 20 M.Phil. dissertations.

Prof. Singh has been invited to deliver talks and present papers in National and International conferences by prestigious institutes and universities in India as well as outside India such as University of Tubingen, Germany, University of Wurzburg, Germany, University of Grenoble, France, etc. Several of his research papers on language, literature, and other areas of cultural studies have been

published by prestigious publications such as Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature, Sahitya Akademi, and Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla.

Prof. Singh is the author of the monographs Fables in the Indian Narrative Tradition: An Analytical Study (D.K. Printworld, 2011), The Poetics of Theatre in Early India (D.K. Printworld, 2021) and the forthcoming Philosophy of Performance in India (Bloomsbury, forthcoming 2023-2024).

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Prof. Singh was Visiting Professor at University of Bergamo, Italy in 2014; International Visiting Fellow at Grinnell College, Grinnell, IOWA, USA, in 2015; and Visiting Research Fellow at Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin in 2017. For his research on Seamus Heaney and Buddhist epistemology in a comparative framework, he was awarded Research Secondment by the European Union’s Marie Curie International Research Exchange Scheme to the Project “Social Performance, Cultural Trauma and Reestablishing Solid Sovereignties (SPECTRESS),” at Trinity College Dublin in May-July 2017.

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