Exam Pattern Change for Class 10 and 12 by GSHSEB ( Gujarat)

Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board , Gujarat, exam, pattern

With the introduction of NCERT textbooks in all the classes, barring X and XII, in its affiliated schools from this academic session, the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB) on Tuesday announced a slew of changes in its examination for Class X and XII to be held in March 2020.

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The deterioration was attributed to 50% weightage on objective or multiple choice questions (MCQs), so the Board has decided to give more weightage to theory-based questions. It has also changed the exam pattern from Class 9 to Class 12. School principals have hailed the decision as being “much-needed”. The Board has changed the weightage of marks from 50% theory and 50% MCQs to 80% theory and 20% MCQs. The Board introduced NCERT books in Class 9 and Class 11this year.

The government said that the paper pattern and promotion rules for classes 9 and 11 will be declared later. The government said that from this academic year, the first and the second term examinations for class 9 and 11 will be of 50 marks. Of the 20 internal marks, five marks each will be for the first and second term examinations; five marks will be for timely submission of notebooks; and the remaining five will be for project work.

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The board carried out an exercise for 11 months before accepting the pattern,” said A J Shah, the chairman of the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board. “We took the opinions of experts, parents, and principals of Kendriya Vidyalayas, among others, before declaring the new pattern.”

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