Get a Business Degree in only Three Years at University of Dundee


South Asian students gain industry-recognised business qualifications while saving time and money,  thanks to an exciting new initiative from the University of Dundee. The University’s School of  Business has introduced four new bachelor’s degrees that can be completed in only three years.  Each of the four new programmes include an optional 8-week funded internship to gain valuable work experience while getting their internationally recognised degree. 

The new three-year business degrees provide all the benefits the School of Business has to offer in a  condensed timeframe. Students can apply now for a three-year degree in: Business Management in practice, Business Economics, International Business in-practice, Applied Finance in-practice. 

The optional 8-week internship allows students to tailor the course to their career aspirations and  can be completed in many countries including China, Vietnam, Portugal, Spain, Thailand, UK, or  remotely. Wherever in the world a student hopes to be, this course can help prepare them for global  opportunities with highly valued in-country experience. 

Professor Bill Russel, Deputy Dean at Dundee’s School of Business, said, “These internships are  managed by the award-winning company Pagoda Projects. They are exceptional, they manage the  pre-departure, they help you with visas, and when you’re in country, they are there if you need  them. They also arrange cultural and networking events, and arrange the student accommodation  for overseas internships.” 

The University of Dundee is already known for offering value for money. The city of Dundee is the  most affordable place to study in the UK (Oxford Royale 2022) and these three-year business  degrees offer even more value due to the condensed programme of study.  

Professor Russell continued, “We truly are a research-led teaching institution. This of course means  that the staff members are up-to-date with the latest ideas, theories and application of the subject  matter. But they are also the sort of people that believe their area of expertise is the most important  in the world. They want students to be as enthusiastic as they are.”  

In addition to the city and course being great value, the University is committed to supporting Indian  students with scholarship opportunities. Many South Asian scholarships are automatically awarded  to students as they apply. There are also merit-based scholarships, which can often be combined  with automatic ones, such as the Jainti Dass Saggar Memorial Scholarship. 

The University of Dundee has the fastest-growing business school in the United Kingdom and is one  of the top 200 universities in the world for graduate employment rate (QS World University rankings  2022). There are many reasons why thousands of international students choose to study at Dundee  every year. Courses are designed and led by industry experts, giving students real-world knowledge  

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that employers are looking for. Many classes are available online and in-person, ensuring students  can benefit from an excellent education, whatever their situation. The University continues to offer  life-long career advice to all graduates, and international students who graduate with a Dundee  degree are now able to apply for a Graduate visa; which allows them to work, or look for work, for  two years after graduation.  

It’s no surprise that Dundee is an increasingly popular destination for South Asian students looking  to gain valuable experience in their chosen field. Discover the new business degrees at the  University of Dundee.

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