HECI Draft Bill: MHRD Received 7529 Suggestions, Last Date to Submit Suggestion July 20

HECI, Draft Bill, Bill

Till July 15, MHRD have received total of 7529 suggestions on the HECI Draft Bill or UGC Repeal Act Draft Bill. Dr. Satya Pal Singh today in a written reply to a Rajya Sabha question, MHRD had put up the draft bill in public domain on July 27 inviting comments and suggestions from educationists, stakeholders and general public. The Minister informed that as on July 15, 7529 suggestions/comments covering Members of Parliament, State Governments, academicians, teacher unions, Chambers of Commerce, students etc. have been received by the Ministry. He said that the Ministry is making the necessary changes to the Bill based on the comments received.

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Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
19-July-2018 17:37 IST

7529 suggestions have been received on HECI Draft Bill as on 15th July, 2018 

The Ministry has prepared a draft Higher Education Commission of India Bill, 2018 for repeal of the University Grants Commission (UGC) Actand setting up Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) for promoting the quality of academic instruction, maintenance of academic standards and autonomy of higher educational institutions for free pursuit of knowledge, innovation, incubation, skills and entrepreneurship, and for facilitating access, inclusion and opportunities to all, and providing for comprehensive and holistic growth of higher education and research in a competitive global environment.

The Ministry has put the draft Higher Education Commission of India Bill, 2018 in public domain on 27.06.2018 for seeking comments and suggestions from educationists, stakeholders and general public before 20.07.2018. As on 15thJuly, 2018, 7529 suggestions/comments covering Members of Parliament, State Governments, academicians, teacher unions, Chambers of Commerce, students etc. have been received and appropriate changes are being made in the draft Bill based on public feedback. 

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The grant disbursal function to Universities and Colleges is now proposed to be located in an entity which works in a transparent, merit-based approach through an ICT enabled platform.

This information was given by the Minister of State (HRD), Dr. Satya Pal Singh today in a written reply to a Rajya Sabha question.

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