Job Evaluation: Concept, Objectives, Methods and Process


Today getting a job is not an easy cakewalk, especially in such a competitive era. And thus getting an ideal job on the top is the toughest thing ever. Therefore Easyshiksha brings you the concept of job evaluation concept, objectives and procedure in order to nail a good job.

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Job Evaluation: Concept, Objectives, Methods and Process

Concept of job evaluation:

In simple words, job evaluation is the rating of jobs in an organisation. This is the process of establishing the value or worth of jobs in a job hierarchy. It attempts to compare the relative intrinsic value or worth of jobs within an organisation. Thus, job evaluation is a comparative process.

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Job evaluation provides basis for developing job hierarchy and fixing a pay structure. It must be remembered that job evaluation is about relationships and not absolutes. That is why job evaluation cannot be the sole determining factor for deciding pay structures.

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External factors like labour market conditions, collective bargaining and individual differences do also affect the levels of wages it, organisations. Nonetheless, job evaluation can certainly provide an objective standard from which modifications can be made in fixing wage structure.


Objectives of job evaluation:

Job evaluation, objectives, objective of job evaluation

The main objective of job evaluation is to determine relative worth of different jobs in an organisation to serve as a basis for developing equitable salary structure. States an ILO Report the aim of the majority of systems of job evaluation is to establish, on agreed logical basis, the relative values of different jobs in a given plant or machinery i.e. it aims at determining the relative worth of a job. The principle upon which all job evaluation schemes are based is that of describing and assessing the value of all jobs in the firms in terms of a number of factors, the relative importance of which varies from job to job.

Process and Method of job evaluation:

Job evaluation, process, process of job evaluation

Though the common objective of job evaluation is to establish the relative worth of jobs in a job hierarchy, there is no common procedure of job evaluation followed by all organisations as such, the procedure of job evaluation varies from organisation to organisation.

In India, the Indian Institute of Personnel Management, Kolkata has suggested the following five steps to be taken to develop a job evaluation programme:

  1. Analyse and Prepare Job Description
  2. Select and Prepare a Job Evaluation Programme/Plan
  3. Classify Jobs
  4. Install the Programme
  5. Maintain the Programme

So Easyshiksha hopes that these measures will surely help you all to get the kind of jobs you want.

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