We all have heard this phrase that we should prefer quality over quantity at some point of time. Can you refer it in your studies or education you are pursuing. If not, then start referring it as easyshiksha.com brings you many reasons for doing so.

Online Internship with Certification

Knowledge is eternal, unlike our existence. We may die one day but knowledge keeps on passing generation to generation with newer meanings and deeper thoughts. We cannot grasp each and every piece of information and that is flowing around. Therefore what we need to do is to look out for those segments of knowledge which makes us a better person, a skilled person, a good learner and this is what makes a person knowledgeable.

How EasyShiksha Internship/Training Program Works
How EasyShiksha Internship/Training Program Works

With the continuous advancement in technology, we are exposed to every type of information. We are constantly behind getting a number of degrees to show the world that we know so many things, which undermines the value of knowledge.

Important Announcement – EasyShiksha has now started Online Internship Program “Ab India Sikhega Ghar Se

Easyshiksha.com wants to inform you all that getting degrees is not everything, that can be bought by money also but getting knowledge is important. We all should go by learning and understanding few things that interest us. That will make us a quality learner.

Online Courses with Certification

For example, there are lakhs of students doing engineering in suppose CSE field; now it should not be so that a student from this stream should know all the languages(C,C++,C#,Csharp, Java, Javascript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Pearl and so on…..) but instead pick up a few of them that he is comfortable with and go with the flow. This way you will also enjoy learning.

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Let us take another example of a food item which we all are very fond of- ‘GOLGAPPA’. Now if someone offers you 10 golgappas for Rs 10 but its quality is not good and if some other person is offering you 6 golgappas for Rs 10 which are good in quality,what will you prefer? I know you all got what easyshiksha.com is trying to tell you.

Don’t run behind the degrees or a bunch of information but go behind knowledge that makes you a skilled person. Otherwise it will be like you have done everything and got all the degrees and then also you are nowhere in your life,got no job/service. And why a company will recruit a person without a good command on whatever he has done.
So as I started asking you to follow quality over quantity, I hope easyshiksha.com has given enough points to prove it and instill it in your minds.

ALSO READ: Online Educations 

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