Rotary Public School accords farewell to outgoing students


Rotary Public School, Gurgaon recently held a stunning extravaganza for the outgoing Batch of class XII students in order to bid them an affectionate farewell.

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The special function kicked off with a welcome song followed by many other cultural items. Class XI students took everyone to a different world through their scintillating dance performances.

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The students of class XI presented a cultural program which consisted of dancing, singing and plays. The ramp walk by the outgoing batch gave each one a chance to show the best out of them.

All students of the outgoing batch were dressed in elegant dresses. The batch was presented with mementos as token of love and appreciation.

Saksham Sapru was awarded the title of Mr. RPS 2016 whereas Akanksha Yadav was given the title Miss. RPS 2016. The Head boy and Head girl expressed their gratitude to the teachers in their thanksgiving speech.

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In the farewell speech, Principal, Ms. Gulshan Dewan’s inspirational words filled every heart with inspiration. She also wished the students a good luck for the forth coming exams. The party ended with the wish: “May those you love bring love back to you, and may all the wishes you wish come true”.

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