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The happiness blockchain, named YourOneLife (YOL), aims to create a sustainable model of happiness in the world ●        Founded by...

Well-written and well-presented course taking you through the steps to develop the blockchain in detail. S Shireen Siddique

Some things are really rushed, like part of nested mapping. otherwise the course is great !! I am very thankful for your...

Blockchain Technology In The Future: 7 Predictions For 2020 Blockchain Technology In The Future: 7 Predictions For 2020. Blockchain technology has become popular due to...

How does Blockchain Works? In todays topic we learn How does Blockchain Works?.The point of using a blockchain to let people trust each other, people...

Blockchain is similar to as Distributed Ledger Technology. A simple blockchain is a method of making digital assets without doing any changes and send...

Past all the media attention and hype, the question still remains is blockchain worth taking seriously? With millions of dollars being invested into blockchain...

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