Tag: Seth Anandram Jaipuria School
Seth Anandram Jaipuria School ranked No. 1 in Ghaziabad in Times...
Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Vasundhara, has been ranked the top school in Ghaziabad in the comprehensive Times School Survey 2021, the results...
Jaipuria School of Business hosted a seminar on Business Ethics &...
25th September 2021, Ghaziabad: Jaipuria School of Business hosted a virtual seminar on Business Ethics & Corporate Governance, on 24th September 2021.
Seth Anandram Jaipuria Group of Schools launches Health Education Curriculum in...
Seth Anandram Jaipuria Group of Schools, in collaboration with Saamarthya Teachers Training Academy of Research (STTAR), Ghaziabad, launched its Health Education Curriculum...
Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Kanpur becomes a Global Member of Round...
31st July, UP: Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Kanpur has become a Global Member of Round Square (RS), a worldwide established charitable association of member schools,...