41 Clubs of India & Jana Small Finance Bank distributes food packets to 50,000 affected people per week

41 Clubs of India

April : Association of 41 Clubs of India, a pan India zero administration cost NGO in partnership with Jana Small Finance Bank is providing weekly ration packets to the under-privileged sections of the society.  This partnership is for distribution in the cities of Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi and Chennai.

“We are happy that Jana Small Finance Bank chose us as their NGO partner under their CSR activity. In these challenging times our partnership will give much needed assistance to those affected the most. The 41 Clubs of India has a track record of doing extensive community service,” said Mr Babji, President Association of 

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Mr. Ajay Kanwal, MD & CEO, Jana Small Bank said “We partnered with 41 Clubs, who have done extensive work at ground zero and we are happy that they could turn around this project in quick time to help the people in need.

In these challenging times our partnership will give much needed assistance to those affected the most. The 41 Clubs of India has a track record of doing extensive community service,” said Mr Babji, President Association of 41 Clubs of India.

My sincere thanks to our employees – 7600 employees of Jana Bank – who volunteered their one-day salary, with matching contribution by bank to help communities around our storefronts”.

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Volunteers from 41 Clubs of India are distributing 12,000 packets of everyday essential groceries to needy people on a weekly basis in the four metropolitan cities. Each packet contains ration that can feed a family of four.

As India grapples with a lockdown to arrest the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is the poor and the daily wagers who are the most adversely affected. has so far provided over 8.5 lakh cooked meals and 30,000 weekly provision packets to over 1 million underprivileged people, across India.

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