Bestselling start-up author, Nistha Tripathi, announces the launch of her new book ‘Unstartup’


Pleased to inform you that Nistha Tripathi, bestselling author of multiple Indian start-up books is back with yet another masterpiece titled ‘UNSTARTUP’. The book chronicles the unconventional strategies that transformed a simple YouTube channel into a multibillion start-up Unacademy. Drawing on the first-hand conversation with people in and around Unacademy, Unstartup takes the reader through a page-turning rhapsody of start-up strategies and lessons. Please find below the Press Release for your perusal

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Kindly let us know if you would be interested to review the book before its official release. We can provide a soft copy immediately and a hard copy when it’s available for review next week.

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We can also connect you with the author, Nistha Tripathi for any question or an interview you might want to take up.

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