Drones Use Radio Waves to Recharge Sensors While in Flight

Drones Use Radio Waves to Recharge Sensors While in Flight
Drones Use Radio Waves to Recharge Sensors While in Flight

Drones Use Radio Waves to Recharge Sensors While in Flight

In today’s blog, I am going to talk about Drones Use Radio Waves to Recharge Sensors While in Flight. In my previous blogs, I had talked about What is Drone? Its Applications and Working of Drones. But in this I will give you a brief about how drone use recharge sensors while in Flight and also I had discuss about how drones work without GPS through AI in my previous blog.

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Remote sensors play a valuable role in collecting data but recharging these devices while they are scattered over vast and isolated areas can be tedious. A new system is designed to make the charging process easier by using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to deliver power using radio waves during a flyby.

If we talk about Sensors in drones play an important role in collecting data, but their charging, especially during flight, is technically impossible. The new system is designed to facilitate the charging process due to radio waves. A specialized antenna on the sensor collects the signals and converts them into electricity. Many Researchers were exploring ways to remotely charge sensors using radio frequency waves (the same form of energy used to transmit Wi-Fi). However, a major challenge was that the source of the radio waves must be fairly close to the sensor in order to sufficiently charge it.

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Researchers decided to come up with a device that allows charging sensors from a distance. In addition, the drone can optimize the trajectory to increase the energy transfer to the sensors.During system tests, drones were able to activate sensors from a distance of 27.5 m. With lower antenna sensitivity, devices need a distance of 1.2 m.

Now, the team is working to develop a load-independent rectenna (antenna and rectifier) that maintains high efficiency across a wide range of loads and frequencies. “Such a system could be connected to any sensor to support charging or wake-up,”

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