President Ram Nath Kovind attends Annual Convocation held at IIT Roorkee

Degrees awarded to 2029 students this year


Roorkee, 4th October 2019:  Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee) celebrated its Annual Convocation 2019 on 4th October 2019. Hon’ble President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind graced the occasion as the chief guest. Governor Smt. Baby Rani Maurya, HRD Minister Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’, Chief Minister Shri Trivendra Singh Rawat graced the occasion as guest of honor.  Prof. A.K. Chaturvedi, Director, IIT Roorkee presided over the function.

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A total of 2029 degrees were awarded this year. 1018 were under graduate recipients, 702 were Post Graduate Recipients and 309 PhD degrees were handed out to students. The convocation began with the Degree Conferment Ceremony on 4th October at 10:30 am in the morning. Post which, The Undergraduate Degree Award Ceremony began at 2:30 pm and The Post Graduate Award Ceremony began at 6:30 pm in the evening.

Speaking about the convocation Prof. A. K. Chaturvedi, Director, IIT Roorkee, said, “The presence of the Honorable President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind made our 19th Convocation memorable. His address inspired the graduating students as they step out of IIT Roorkee into the real world. President Ram Nath Kovind I am sure his words will resonate with them at every stage in their life.”

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Speaking on the convocation, HRD Minister Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ said:

“I congratulate each and every student getting their degrees today. You are going into the world today after getting your degree from one of the most prestigious Institutes. Your time to effectively & efficiently showcase your learnings from IIT Roorkee, starts today.

I am sure, you will through your technical & innovative prowess, contribute to our revolutionary schemes like Make in India, Start-up India, Stand-up India, will help achieve Hon’ble Prime Minister Modi’s dream of ‘Ek Bharat, Shreshth Bharat’ and will also help establish India as a global super power. “

Speaking on the convocation, Chief Minister Shri Trivendra Singh Rawat said:

“There is happiness in our heart, when we stand here at the convocation of the prestigious IIT Roorkee, which is an identity & pride of Uttarakhand. This Institute is one of the biggest contributors to providing qualified engineers across the world. When we talk about the country’s prestigious colleges, IIT Roorkee has its own niche. I would like to congratulate all the girls & boys who are being awarded their degree here today.

In the Time magazine’s emerging economy universities ranking, IIT Roorkee has reached 35th rank and it is matter of pride for us. In today’s time of stress, it is important to remain physically & mentally Health. I would like to plead to everyone to imbibe the practice of Yoga promoted by Hon’ble PM Modi in our lives, so that we can fulfil his dream of ‘Swasthya Bharat’ & Fit India’. When you will graduate today from here, please think of how you will take your learning forward and how will you contribute back to engineering.”

Speaking on the convocation honorable President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind Ji said: “I am honoured to be here at one of India’s oldest and pioneering Engineering Institute. For the graduating students, this occasion represents a major milestone. I congratulate you on this seminal occasion. You are leaving this historic campus for the excitement of a career in a world which is full of opportunities.”

He further added “Many of the alumni of IIT Roorkee have been nation builders in true sense. I believe that this Institute’s alumni can and should contribute to their alma mater. All of them have fortunate to have received world class education here. A huge part of the cost of their education has been borne by the taxpayers of the country. So, in whatever way you want, contributing back to the society and helping underprivileged people is your moral responsibility & duty. Your contribution will help improve our education system and your effort will be appreciated.”

He said “Earlier I am told that different hostel timings applied to boys and girls, but recently these have been made same. This is allowing girl students to work in their departments, labs, libraries in the same manner as boy’s students. This is an example of giving girl students an equal opportunity to excel. I am sure this will positively impact the contributions of girl students and boost their self-confidence. “

He also praised the institute on doing away with hierarchy and giving every academician an equal opportunity and mentioned that “Creative thinking on campus has been encouraged by doing away with hierarchy among academics and by giving students a representation in academic bodies and decision making.

Data on the Graduating Students is given below:

S. No Program No. of students
    awarded degrees
1 Bachelor of Architecture 34
2 Bachelor of Technology 890
3 Integrated Master of Science 38
4 Integrated Master of Technology 42
5 Integrated Dual-Degree 14
6 Master of Architecture 11
7 Master of Urban and Rural Planning 10
8 Master of Technology 444
9 Master of Science 155
10 PG Diplmoa 5
11 Master of Business Administration 77
12 PhD 308
13 Dual Degree (M.Tech + Ph.D) 1
  Total 2029

Given below is the list of medal winners:


Name of the Prize

Name of the Student

      1. President’s Gold Medal PulkitSingal :B.Tech. (MechanicalEngineering.) Enroll No 15119040, CGPA 9.908
      2. Director’s Gold Medal Sumit Kumar Yadav, B. Tech; Electronics and Communication Engineering, Enroll. No. 15117068, CGPA- 9.374
      3. The President of India, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma Gold Medal Shivam Jindal, B. Tech; Computer Science Engineering, Enroll. No. 15118079, CGPA- 9.759
      4. Dr. Jai Krishna Gold Medal AnantVashistha, B. Tech; Production and Industrial Engineering, Enroll. No. 15119006, CGPA-9.485
      5. Institute Silver Medal HriturajSingh :B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering) Enroll No. 15115060, CGPA 9.905
      6. Institute Bronze Medal TanviVerma : B.Tech (Engineering Physics) Enroll No. 15111042, CGPA 9.855

This Year total 41 Gold medals were awarded to students of various courses for securing highest CGPA in their respective programmes and classes.  President Gold medal for securing highest CGPA amongst the graduating students was awarded to Mr. Pulkit Singal of B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering for securing 9.908 CGPA. Pulkit also got four other awards. He also received a cash prize of Rs50,000/0 for his innovative B. Tech. Project which is started by one alumni of the Institute.  Out of 41 Gold medalists, 12 were girl students.

The Institute Bronze medalist Ms. Tanvi Verma, a student of B. Tech. Engineering Physics, was another top performer of the graduating batch. She got a total five medals/ awards.  There were at least five girl students who got more than two awards in this convocation. This shows that girls are competing neck to neck with boys.  It also embodies the Bharat ki Laxmi philosophy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

This was the first time when IIT Roorkee gave out awards to Ph D scholars. A new award with the name of “Excellence in Doctoral Research” was started this year. Three Ph D scholars who got their doctorate degree in the convocation got this award. It is similar to Best PhD award given in many other institutes. Dr Pallavi Gupta, Centre for Nanotechnology, Dr. Dhiraj Raj, Department of Earthquake Engineering and Dr. Yogesh kumar Manibhai Makwana, Department of Electrical Engineering received this award. Each of them got Rs50,000/- cash prize.

About IIT Roorkee (

IIT Roorkee is an institute of national importance imparting higher education in engineering, sciences, management, architecture and planning, and humanities and social sciences. Since its establishment in 1847, the Institute has played a vital role in providing technical manpower and know-how to the country. In the Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2019, the institute has been ranked 3rd among the IITs, while on the citations criterion it has been ranked 1st among all the Institutes in India.

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