The School of Business, Woxsen University, establishes International Advisory Board and announces its members


Hyderabad, 22 nd July, 2022: The School of Business, Woxsen University announces the
establishment of an International Advisory Board (IAB), comprising renowned experts from
diverse backgrounds, disciplines and industry.
Woxsen University, one of the first private universities in Telangana, known for its 200-acre
state-of-the-art campus and infrastructure, offers new-age, disruptive programs in the
fields of Business, Technology, Arts & Design, Architecture, Liberal Arts & Humanities.
The International Advisory Board(IAB) consists of Heads of Departments & Alumni of
Leading Universities with Global FT Ranking and Triple Crown, Representatives of
International Accreditation Bodies and Woxsen University Alumni. This will facilitate
cooperation with reputed universities across the globe for collaborative academic and
research programs.

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The IAB members include Dr. Cobus Oosthuizen-Dean, Milpark Business School; Dr. Logan
Rangasamy- Academic Director, Wits Business School, University of Witwatersrand; Ms.
Savana Pires-Head of International Relations, Porto Business School; Dr. Morris Altman-
Dean & Chair Professor of Behavioural and Institutional Economics & Co-operatives, School
of Business, University of Dundee; Dr. Joseph Altarriba-Associate Dean for Education and
Academic Affairs, UPF Barcelona School of Management; Dr. Bruno Henrique Rocha
Fernandes-Dean, PUCPR, Brazil; Dr. Raj Devasagayam-Dean, Monmouth University; Dr. Ali
Taleb-Associate Dean for Research, International & Community Engagement MacEwan
University School of Business; Dr. Dima Rachid Jamali-Dean, College of Business
Administration, University of Sharjah; Dr.Krisztian Szucs-Vice Dean General, University of
Pécs; Dr. MaryAnne Hyland-Dean- Robert B. Willumstad School of Business, Adelphi
University; Mr. Pranay Kumar Pokala-Alumnus, Woxsen University; Ms. Anushka Johari-
Current Student (MBA 2023), Woxsen University; Mr. Nishit Jain-Senior Special Advisor –
EFMD Asia, EFMD; Mr. Roman Pastoors-Alumnus, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of
Management; Dr. John Anchor-Associate Dean (International), The University of
Huddersfield; Dr.Anicia Jaegler- Associate Dean for Inclusivity, Kedge Business School and
Mr. Vivek Kalia- Head of Business Operations- India & South Asia, Airbus
The IAB will be a prominent body providing expert advice and value-driven insights on key
strategic activities and initiatives towards the pedagogy of the University.

The International Advisory Board has been tasked with making concrete suggestions on
advancing the international recognition of the school and help develop the quality of its
educational output on international standards. It brings together fifteen highly experienced,
senior representatives and experts from eminent international Industry, Public Sector,
Academics and Research Organizations. They will play a pivotal role in providing practical guidance, critical analysis and assistance in relation to the organization’s industrial approach
& help ensure Woxsen’s graduates are prepared for the real-world of business.
The body will convene bi-annually to assess the progress of School of Business. Besides its
active involvement in building a stronger international dimension in curriculum, research
and teaching methodology, the board will promote student success, learning and
development on a global level.

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