Virtual Reality in Healthcare

Virtual Reality in Healthcare
Virtual Reality in Healthcare

Virtual Reality in Healthcare

Virtual Reality is all set to revolutionize the health care industry. In my previous blogs, I had given you a brief about Virtual Reality and type of VRIn today’s topic, we will discuss Virtual Reality in Healthcare. Although VR has revolutionized the gaming industry, it is not restricted to a particular field any more. From developing new life-saving techniques to training the doctors of the future, VR has a multitude of applications for health and healthcare, from the clinical to the consumer.

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The VR market in medicine is expected to grow to $3.8 billion by 2020, according to a report by Global Industry Analysts. To Learn about VR you can get a certifacate course in AI and VR/AR from Easyshiksha

Following are ways VR is being used to train and support healthcare professionals and cure patients.

1. Medical training: Training given to medical students and doctors to study the organs and to perform surgery many medical companies films a real-life surgery in 4k 360° video from multiple angles which is then combined with CGI model and give an interactive training experience. Medical students learn on cadavers, which are difficult to get hold of and do not react in the same way a live patient would. Virtual Reality in Healthcare plays a huge role.

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2. Cure Patients with the advance in technology AI plays a major role in healthcare too. VR provides 360° of view of the human internal body which helps doctors to perform crucial surgeries. But in many cases, it will cure trough medicines VR gives the insight of disease and the problems and this detail helps doctors to decide if there is a need for surgery or not. This is a huge advancement in healthcare. VR also helps in Pain management and Physical therapy. It has also been used to curb memory loss, help autistic children in the classroom and gather data for dementia research. It had also used to cure disease like Alzheimer’s which is a partial blindness disease.

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So I hope you understand this topic Virtual Reality in Healthcare. If you have not read my previous blogs related to VR and types of VR visit easyshiksha and HawksCode.


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