What should we be teaching our future?


As education professional, we volunteer to empower tomorrow. We take up the task to build the future. The world is changing rapidly in all dimensions as social, economic, political and advancing technologies. Future Academic and Job Success of children Depends Not on What the Children Know, but What They Can Do with what they know. We are aiming to develop the children as future leaders to take the world forward as artists, scientists, philosophers and thinkers. With the teaching education scenario today we confuse excellence with winning, by creating competition in every field, be it sports, academics or music and dance. It’s our responsibility that we encourage children to value their self-worth more than any external opinion.

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For future, children need to be taught to build upon their skills, values and concepts. They have to outgrow the form of being merely the book worms. Children need to be groomed to be more confident lifelong learners. Something students need to learn for the future is the aspect of understanding the basic human psychology. It is important for them to learn why people behave in different ways and empower them to mind their own behavior. We need to switch focus from rote learning to developing problem solving skills, working through conflict, being a good listener and expressing empathy. We have to guide our children to live joyfully as contented adults later. A successful education cannot be limited to memorization of existing facts. Children need to grow up as divergent thinkers. Letting children experience is the best way to enhance their learning.

Another thing I feel children for tomorrow, need to be taught to learn from failures. Children are born fearless; gradually it’s us who teach children the fear of failure. Fear of failure ties down the mind of a child and makes them mentally weak. Let’s imbibe in children that they are capable of reaching the highest levels of success. Children need to be taught to develop critical thinking abilities and be motivated to think out of the box and be independent thinkers. Life is beyond books. Children need inspiration and a new vision in their minds. We should foster good communication skills in children. Communicating and collaborating successfully and with flexibility of style and media usage is a quintessential requirement for workforce of future. Along with talking we have assist the children to be great listeners. Another skill I believe is very essential to be taught to children these days is handling finances. Handling money effectively is a valuable life skill today. It will not just prepare students for work environment, but also help children manage their own personal finances. Knowledge of entrepreneurship, saving or investing should be imparted to children not just at school but home front too.

Children should be made capable to Using new information and technology in creative and innovative ways. Being self-motivated and action-oriented is the way of life. Indulging students in activities whereby they develop patience is important.

Children don’t choose to learn in order to do things in the future.  They choose to do right now what others in their world do, and through doing they learn. Children are interested in Now, By doing what they want to do they also prepare themselves wonderfully for the future, but that is a side effect. Children are brilliant learners because they don’t think of themselves as learning; they think of themselves as doing.  They want to engage in whole, meaningful activities, like the activities they see around them, and they aren’t afraid to try. So we should not be estimating or setting any standards for children. They are capable to grasp as much as we offer through display. Children learn by making mistakes and then noticing and correcting their own mistakes. The idea should be to build a better brain and a child should build personal responsibility for his learning.

In schools we need to explicitly teach children how to focus attention, study, organize, prioritize, review and actively participate in class.

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Let’s equip our children with the ability to think through situations and help them be wise for their own sake. Let’s provide competence to our children today so they are empowered for tomorrow.

beena singh

Beena Singh

Dolphins High School


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