Yoga and meditation for the Corporate World


The average employed individual, if asked might rue that a month rushes by in a flurry of activity. Corporate professionalism is life in the fast lane which is driven by time, processes and targets. When you do not make the time to unwind and decompress, it translates as stress, anxiety, depression, anger and frustration.

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The good news however is that we can be a part of the system without being bogged down by it. A sure-fire way of dealing with this issue lies in Yoga and meditation as the ultimate solution. We have to understand that we cannot change the process but we can change our responses to them. This leads to development of patience, improves listening powers and transfer the power back to the individual.

Here are a few simple asanas, pranayama and meditation technique that corporate professionals can include in their everyday practice. By spending 20-30 minutes each day, you can improve your physical health, balance your energies and engage the mind for overall wellness and positivity.


Formation of the Posture

  • Sit down with your legs stretched out forward

  • Fold your right leg and drop your right knee to the right side

  • Fold the other leg and form a cross with your calf muscles

  • Straighten your back and place your palms on your knees facing upward

  • Keep a positive mind set and hold this asana for a while

  • Repeat the same with the other leg



  • Formation of the posture

  • Begin with Dandasana

  • Ensure that your knees are slightly bent while your legs are stretched out forward

  • Extend your arms upward and keep your spine erect

  • Exhale and empty your stomach of air

  • With the exhale, bend forward at the hip and place your upper body on your lower body

  • Lower your arms and grip your big toes with your fingers

  • Try to touch your knees with your nose

  • Hold the asana for 10 seconds.




  • Formation of the posture

  • Begin with Adhomukhi swanasan

  • Slightly lean forward and lift your heels up

  • Your body weight should be distributed between your toes and palms

  • Look at your toes

Brahmari Pranayama

  • Sit in any comfortable pose (such as Sukhasan, Ardhapadmasan or Padmasana)

  • Straighten your back and close your eyes

  • Place your palms on your knees facing up (in Prapthi Mudra)

  • Place your thumbs on the ‘Tragus’, the external flap on your ear.

  • Place your index finger on your forehead; your middle finger on the Medial Canthus and ring finger on the corner of your nostril

  • Inhale and fill your lungs with air

  • As you exhale, slowly make a buzzing sound like that of a bee, i.e., “mmmmmmm….”

  • Keep your mouth closed the entire time and feel the vibration of the sound disseminate throughout your body

Sthiti Dhyan

This is a meditation technique to help calm your nerves, raise mindfulness and deflect any negative experiences.

  • Stand or sit comfortably

  • Be mindful of the surroundings, noises, smells, colours etc.

  • Gently turn to the right to gaze and observe, then similarly turn to the left and repeat

  • Use a journal to make a note of all your observations and the different sensations you felt

  • This will help increase your observation powers, make you more focussed and alert

  • Removes distractions

The practice of Yoga whether at the individual level, or even as a group can bring about immense benefits to the practitioner. Begin your journey of Yoga today for physical and mental wellness, this boosts your stamina so you remain energetic through the day. Companies too experience lower rates of attrition, better productivity and higher employee morale by starting a group exercise session like yoga up to 3 times per week in their premises.

Grand Master Akshar

Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | Lifestyle Coach | Yogaentrepreneur

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