5 Expert Tips for Using Video in the Classroom

Video in the Classroom, online education, online education in india

Traditional teaching methods have without a doubt produced great results up to so far. But as generations progress, there is a constant need for development in the education system. This is why it is important to integrate a bit of technology to stimulate interest in education from the current generation.

One such way is to use video in the classroom. This method is good because it creates experience as students get to see and hear information at first hand. This teaching medium also encourages students to interact more. This will in return help them enjoy and remember information easily.

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This piece takes a looks at 5 expert tips for using video in the classroom.

1. Make use of trailers

Using trailers are good for giving the students a brief overview of what the lesson is all about. Visual effects, background music and moving pictures all create an interesting introduction of the lesson/ topic.

2. Make your own videos

Have them make their own video based on the book you have gone through or read. Allow them to interpret the events in their own different ways. The different videos and interpretations should enable the class to view the topic from different views and promote better understanding.

3. Make them laugh

A classroom is a good place for socializing and sharing life experiences. Adding a bit of humour to your lessons can create a better learning environment. Through humour, learners focus most of their attention on what you are saying or showing them. This is why it is most advisable to show videos that contains a significant amount of humour.

4. Focus on visual and auditory senses

The key idea in using videos is to get your learners to remember information they saw and heard. Information portrayed in this way can contain vital details. For instance: after the short video, you may ask one of your learners to name the secondary character’s name. A four 5 year old may not remember the exact name. However, he/she may tell you that the person was wearing a red shirt. In the education field, remembering some information is better than remembering no information at all.

Having said that, one way to make sure information is registers in one sense or the other is to use videos where pictures correspond with words. If they can’t remember the word, they will most likely remember the image.

5. Reflecting on the self

As a teacher, your objective is providing information for your learners effectively. This can sometimes be a bit of a challenge. Lessons can be filled with distractions and not always go according to plan. It is for this reason that you also need to view the videos yourself, especially the re-enactments made by your students. They will show you were improvement is necessary and which group(s) are struggling with understanding the concept.

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There are many ways to ensure that your learners get the most from your lessons. Videos can help improve memory and understanding in the classroom. They can also help you as the teacher to assess the progress of your learners effectively. Just remember to get videos that relate best with your audience.

Maria is part of the Content and Community team at SmileTutor, sharing valuable content to their own community and beyond.

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