Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Podcasting

Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Podcasting
Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Podcasting

Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Podcasting

In this blog, I am going to talk about the reasons why your business should use Podcasting.Podcasting has garnered an immense popularity over the years. A podcast is a set of digital audio files that are available on the internet for downloading. A user can subscribe to the podcast to receive the digital files once they are uploaded.

The changing times have led to the implementation of various products of technology in businesses. With various aspects of businesses transforming everyday with the changing customer requirements and market demands, these tools have turned out to be necessities to stay afloat in this highly competitive market.

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Businesses nowadays are increasingly using podcasts to improve their prospects. It is a powerful marketing tool. Podcasts have become the new talk radio on mobile devices. In fact, the increased usage of mobile phones has led to the explosive growth of podcasting.

“If you’re a business in an industry that has a high customer value, then a podcast may be one of your most effective education and marketing tools,” says Spencer Shaw, founder of the podcast production firm PodKick Media.

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More than one-third (39%) of owners of SMBs listen to podcasts, and 65% listen at least weekly, according to a survey by small business research firm Bredin. Listenership increases with company size, found that 70-72% of owners of businesses with 100 to 500 employees are tuning in.

You can’t demonstrate your credibility without sharing your expertise, and by sharing your expertise you become helpful. You become valuable for your listeners,” explains Stephen Woessner on his podcast Onward Nation, a daily podcast for business owners.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It is no news that video marketing is crucial for businesses. However, not everyone is comfortable to shoot videos. As a result, using videos, in that case, can hurt your and your business’s reputation considerably.

Additionally, some small businesses may not have the right equipment to shoot videos that will stand out. This is because there are numerous variables involved in videos which include lighting, sound, background and so on. Each of these can go wrong if they are not handled carefully. This is where podcasts become relevant.

I hope you like this blog, reasons why your business should use Podcasting. To Learn more visit Easyshiksha and HawksCode.


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