Exams are right around the corner – how to turn anxiety into action


Article authored by  Ms. Mumtaj Begam, Counselling Psychologist, Fortis Hospitals, Chennai

When an exam is approaching and students are stressed, it can be difficult for parents as well. Concerns regarding the children’s exam preparedness are just the beginning of a parent’s concerns. In addition to being concerned about their future, we also realize that not all parents examine their kids’ mental health. Throughout this time, what happens, Parents who see their children as horses force them to wear invisible blinkers that limit their vision to academics and relaxing options. Making them give up their PlayStation, as well as excluding them from their cherished friends, family, and neighbours, are just a few examples.

In addition, the daily schedule at home will change to reflect life in a military dormitory.

Many things must be understood before understanding anything. Let’s discuss those now.

  1. Try to ascertain your child’s mental state:

Recognize that, like a rubber band, your child has a capacity and saturation point. It depends on the size of the rubber band on how far it can be stretched, like that, child’s mind has a certain amount of elasticity to stretch, but only to a point where it can be tolerated before cutting.

Remember, they are your child, and you should not command or treat them as if they were a prisoner.

  1. Avoid comparing and measuring them against their mark:

Mark is not your child’s personality; it is simply the sum of the right answers. They are uniquely original! 

  • Identify who they are, try to motivate them consistently.
  • Help them understand the ideas and concepts.
  • Explain to them the lesson’s and unit’s goals are.
  • Have faith in them rather than judging and labelling them.

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  1. Identify their learning style:

As we all know, everything has its own style, and your child has a learning style that includes the VARK model

The VARK model stands for:

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Reading/Writing
  • Kinesthetics

Visual learners retain knowledge better when it is presented to them in the form of graphics such as arrows, charts, graphs, symbols, and more. Like how designers use visual hierarchy to emphasize specific design elements, visual learners benefit from clear representations of knowledge hierarchy.

Auditory learners, also referred to as “aural” learners, prefer to listen to information that is spoken to them. These students perform well in groups where vocal engagement is encouraged and enjoy reading aloud to themselves.

By concentrating on the written word, teachers may help their students achieve success with written content on worksheets, presentations, and other text-heavy tools. These kids take notes, and when they have access to written material, they perform well.

Kinesthetics – Using the body as a medium

  1. Feed them some positivity:

The mind is a very potent tool. It is essential to feed the mind with constructive thoughts, optimism, and positive feelings to preserve one’s mental health and grow in life. Anything you choose to focus on will manifest into your life, according to the law of attraction. As a result, it is essential to emphasise the importance of developing a positive view on life.

Therefore, emphasise optimism in your thinking and in the minds of your children, and educate them how to deal with situations in their future.

  • Value the effort they put forth.
  • Show your affection instead of worrying.
  • Acknowledge their sentiments and emotions.
  • Stop comparing them; an auction is not what they are.
  • Allow them 30-minute break every two hours.
  • As a token of your love, give them some Rewards.
  1. Expose your kid to natural settings:

Artificial lighting or modern technologies cause boredom. Make sure they are exposed to natural light and natural environment because it will help to relax their brains.

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